Favorite team:Auburn 
Location:FL Panhandle
Number of Posts:1728
Registered on:1/8/2021
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Sometimes I think this is where Conservatives lose the cultural battles. If they don't like the direction of an organization, the step away. The progressives however, infiltrate and alter to it to their liking. So in 10-20 years, if not already, the military will not be majority conservative ...
The left has their brownshirts (BLM/Antifa) and supports them when arrested. The right has no analogue and abandons those that do protest and are arrested. So one side can burn cities, attack people and government installations and more or less get away with it. ... and officials know it an...
Unfortunately, Florida passed a similar law with the 25' rule... I can see the so-called "auditors" having fun with this.......
Went to the Blue Lagoon and ate at Café Bryggjan on the water in Grindavik during our 2 week self-guided driving tour of Iceland last year. Really enjoyed the Lagoon and the food was good at the Cafe'. Glad we were there before the eruptions.... obviously. Highly recommend visiting Iceland ...
What's Project 2025 that they think Trump et al will enact?...
Didn't Zillow etc used to include crime info on home listings until it was determined to be racist?...

re: China being china

Posted by TigersnJeeps on 5/29/24 at 6:48 am
and Biden shut down Trump's initiative to keep an eye on the Chinese, including the student population. Our university system gives foreign students too much opportunity to steal......
so no information on the pilot or obviously the cause and someone is claiming DEI is responsible. No different than claiming every storm is due to "climate change" or every occupational difference is "racism" or "sexism"...

re: Brian Battie

Posted by TigersnJeeps on 5/28/24 at 7:27 am
Blake off 59th street? I would think Sarasota Memorial would be closer but I don't know about their capabilities vs other hospitals. I remember when Blake was built.......
Watched "Bataan" on TMC earlier... Not sure what I may watch later......
Anyone know how Russian equipment would work against US jamming and defensive systems? because the Ukraine war isn't going to show that.... as someone pointed out, Ukraine isn't operating at the same level with the same equipment and techniques as the US military would....
Trump simply can't help himself. It's not about mean tweets... it's knowing the time and place, using a scalpel instead of sledgehammer, it's decorum, it's separating the meaning of the day from politics. I bet a good number of the folks saying it's no big deal are complaining about Biden maki...
[quote]Our goal: to be the generation to overthrow capitalism in our lifetime, and lay the foundations for building a society free of exploitation, violence and oppression.[/quote] They want to overthrow capitalism as they know communists are better at exploitation, violence and oppression...
Video had nothing to do with the claim in the Xwitter post.......
So has the US.... see BIden's "no attacks on Russian soil" position.......
Our homeowners policy here in FL Panhandle doubled. Doing the annual search for some unknown company and bring it to a 10-15% increase....
We had a Shiba for several years but gave him up due to work travel -he was alone too much. Cried when the new owners took him and cried we he passed at the age of 15. Still tear up thinking of my Doberman passing 40 years ago......
Saw them practice at PNS a week ago Wednesday. Great views and free. Also caught them fly down the beach returning from a air show. They fly over our house as they turn in for a west-bound "Beach Buzz" on Sundays after an out-of-town air show....