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Posted by burger bearcat on 5/30/24 at 10:07 pm
I know he is doing his thing on X. And realize he is concentrating on more niche long form stuff, which I like. But I do miss his 20 minute monologues on nights like tonight ...
Do you believe it is possible, that Trump is uniquely criminal in all the ways that he has been prosecuted over the past 8 years? And conversely, that basically all other politicians in DC have somehow been perfectly clean? Is this your honest belief? Or is it more likely you just don't like Trumps ...
What would happen? I guess NY would seize his assets? Does Biden send feds after him? Just curious how that would game out....
[quote]Yes but we have morals and integrity[/quote] Lol. How's that been working?...
[quote]Never wise to respect and admire worshipers of Moloch.[/quote] If you don't respect your enemy, you can't defeat him. I certainly don't admire their beliefs. Just their tactics. ...
I have a little bit different take than most.lovers! of respect the left, and in some ways admire their willingness to take bold action... obviously for awful reasons, but none the less, they are willing to get shite done and we are not. If our side ever showed a fraction of the boldness they show, ...
Just curious. Does anyone know what the gimmick is with the guy that says he eats a bunch of carbs and donuts, and yells about cardio burning calories not fat!...
[quote]You should actually visit these cities instead of believing what you see on the news.[/quote] I'm in these cities quite a bit. Have been to pretty much every major city. They still have the shell of what once made them great places. But in general, there are large groups of loud, unruly "y...
Every single urban area is dominated by violent thugs, lgbt hipsters, and drugged out vagrants. They reek of weed, trash, and human feces. I used to enjoy visiting cities. I wouldn't mind taking my family sight seeing in some of our formerly great cities, like Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles....
The power of incumbency and stupid boomers in GOP primaries is daunting. Especially in local elections. There is a bunch of Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club circle jerk nonsense that goes into getting RINO scum like Phelan elected election after election. ...
It seems this business model is going away. Especially with office workers. People simply don't like leaving their homes, commuting for 30-45 minutes, working 9-10 hours, and coming back home about 12 hours later after they left. I'm not necessarily pro or against it. Not everyone is capable of...
I love old school real New Yorkers like this guy. The problem with most of NYC these days is its filled with transients and foreigners. ...
If women can't breastfeed, believe it or not, raw donkey milk is very similar to human breastmilk. If you van find a herd share with donkeys. ...
[quote]K... quote: Yeah, that's neat, but you're just describing a sliding scale of morality.[/quote] Murdering innocent life is immoral. Death row inmates or men engaged on a battlefield are not innocent. Killing in these situations can be moral. It's not that complicated. You don't ha...
[quote]"A human life is either a human life or it is not."[/quote] Correct. And we should protect "innocent" human lives at all costs. At minimum, we shouldn't celebrate or promote destroying innocent human life. This is also why we have severe consequences for people who murder innocent peop...
[quote]Do you oppose the death penalty and find it to be evil? Do you oppose all war and find it to be evil? Do you oppose self-defense and find it to be evil? Do you oppose self-sacrifice and find it to be evil?[/quote] Again. There is such a thing as nuance. We do not need to be slaves to these...
[quote]Are you against all medical procedures, or just the stuff you don't like?[/quote] Of course not. Some medical procedures can be good. And some are inherently evil. This is not the gotcha you want it to be. Some mushrooms are good to ear, Some are poisonous. We have these things called ...
[quote]How so?[/quote] You said any technology humans can conjure or create is A-OK with God, because God provided the tools and materials to create this technology. I think you are missing the entire point if that is what you believe. [quote]So is God not all-powerful or is he a masochist tha...
[quote]if god didn’t want humans to use technology to create life where said creation was not previously possible, why are we intelligent enough to develop those methods?[/quote] Weird logic. I suppose you have never heard of the tower of Babel? We are intelligent enough to develop many things...