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Location:Easter Island
Interests:The effect of minimal solar storms on the reproductive urge of the albatross.
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Registered on:8/1/2020
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[quote]Pearl Harbor has to be up there[/quote] Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!!...
[quote]I like the theories about the Saudi Arabian prince. Just like 9/11, if we shut down a narrative, it's likely due to Saudi Arabia[/quote] I as well. Soon after, the incident commander of that Las Vegas event bcame the police chief of Maui and managed the response to the fires. ...
Lots of head shots, many different gun shots from many different locations, and yet, they claim, it was one guy named PADDOCK. Lots of research and investigation was done to produce the video and the camera does not lie. Multiple shooters - multiple calibers - what are they hiding!! [link=(htt...

re: 37.5 D chess by DJT!

Posted by Timeoday on 5/28/24 at 5:01 pm
POTUS Trump does not play chess. He plays 11 D GO!!...
[quote]Trump better fight fire with fire and arrest his political rivals if he wins. He should have locked Hillary up when he had the chance. Dumbass trying to play nice with people who want to destroy him. fricking arrogant prick could cost us all our freedom because he wont do what is necessary to...
[quote]There are Hondurans all over Lake Charles left over from hurricane work[/quote] I'm from Honduras. You like? [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTNsT6G5cF90R2yKxCaJ-2gLGLvo-GoPLtaWoR1TIjlm93aFuy8dfpisnY6GQ&s[/img]...
[quote]Are there any videos of the speech? Or do I have to go to a bunch of YT commentary sites?[/quote] Exactly. I have been looking for the speech of Dreyfuss in its entirety and have yet to find it. However, I hear he got a standing ovation because of it yet all we hear is in regards to people...
It is about to get real embarrassing for the gooooooooooberment prosecutors....
[quote]The silliness of podcasters doing mock sissy voices when talking about woke commentary is.... Just plain irritating.[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/JHsCvrcEe-0AAAAM/marley-shelton-judy-hicks.gif[/img] :lol: :lol:...
[quote]I don’t know about that one. A lot of the people I deal with in Arky aren’t ecstatic about her so far. They say she does more for optics than the good of arkansans.[/quote][img]https://media.tenor.com/YQU_36DLxFcAAAAM/donald-trump-wrong.gif[/img]...
POTUS Trump would kick DeNiro, who is a shrimp of a man, into another world. I think it is funny the only thing the Democrat Party has going for it right now are a bunch of HAS BEENS!! :lol:...
What in the heck is going on. The MSM (Lying Media) is forcing people to believe great speeches are horrible while horrible speeches are great. Both Dreyfuss and Seinfield spoke the absolute truth and the truth will always set us free!! Please understand the enemy within is the Lying Media (MSM) ...
Of course. Those Confederates were fighting against tyranny and tyranny won. But they fought the good fight....
[quote]It 100% has feds. Back in 2020 there were a bunch of random posters with low post counts saying all kinds of crazy stuff that obviously were feds. I expect 2024 will be more of the same[/quote] In some cases they will approach a poster with a very high post count and pay that poster for th...
[quote]It’s clearly 3D chess. Has to be.[/quote] POTUS Trump plays 5D GO!!...
[quote]Anytime a topic is posted about voting and Trump winning. They rush in to say it’s rigged and there no chance he can win so it doesn’t matter. They are actively trying to suppress the vote of republicans by feeding into the narrative. Be aware this is being done purposely they’re using you ow...
[quote]The hijackers were see eye aye assets.[/quote] They dropped both airliners quickly while angling each to hit the towers with the entire fuselage and wingspan. That takes a very specific skill set. The Pentagon airliner came in less than 60 feet off of the ground. That also takes a very ...
[quote]99% of the population could vote for Trump but the count will still be in favor of Biden.[/quote] You and your up voters are really scarit and the reverse psychology is failing. Lawd have mercy!!...
[quote]Joe loves his boy Hunter.[/quote] What is really wierd is how they posed like this for a professional photographer to take the picture. Knowing Joey, it took at least 46 takes. Hunter certainly looks like he wants to tell his dad to chew on a breath mint!! ...
They all were. in Egypt, a calendar for the year circulated that clearly showed the plane hitting the WTC as the picture for the month of September 2001. That calendar was printed in 2000. Remember how POTUS Trump was screamed at for preventing flights from China to occur domestically in January ...