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re: Father's with Daughter's

Posted by SpotCheckBilly on 6/1/24 at 6:49 am
[quote]Ever move a piano? How many times?[/quote] Once. No mas....

re: Father's with Daughter's

Posted by SpotCheckBilly on 6/1/24 at 6:22 am
Let's see... - to college, then home and back after each semester per dorm rules (8) - to first job/apartment - to second apartment So, 10 times. after getting her into the second apartment (and up 2 flights of stairs), she presented me with a list of 20 things she wanted hung on the walls....
The sound of coconut palm fronds rustling in the wind reminds me of my grandmother's house. The sound of a two-stroke outboard motor coming alive. The smell of a turkey roasting on Thanksgiving day. Hearing the first few notes of "War Eagle" ...
[quote]I like both, but I don't seem to get sweet cantaloupe as often as a good watermelon during the season. [/quote] It can hard to get a good one in a grocery store. Commercial growers pick them so early for shipping. A small farmer selling them is your best bet for a vine ripe melon, if you c...
[quote]When I was a kid my mom would buy small cantaloupes, cut them in half, remove the seeds and fill the cavity with chocolate ice cream. Damn, that shite was good. [/quote] My dad would do that, but with vanilla, to get me to eat cantaloupe. It worked then, but he pretty much covered us up in ...
[quote]Tuna noodle casserole made with Kraft, can of tuna, can of COM soup, served with a glass of chocolate milk. [/quote] This is getting a lot of downvotes but throw in a can of peas and this was often a dinner at our house when I was a kid. I still make it now and then, and still enjoy it. Us...
[quote] Also not included in the total weight was the tail, heart, tongue, liver, bones, and fat. All in all I’m happy. [/quote] You should be, that's a nice prize. The tail and the tongue are fine eating. There are lots of recipes out there for oxtail soup and I recently made an oxtail osso buc...
Cantaloupes are generally sweeter, but I don't particularly care for either. Had way, way too many growing up. ...
I'll be stunned if it is anything other than guilty, given the DA, the judge and the jury. I'll also be stunned if, on appeal, the verdict is not overturned....
[quote]NOPD future statement: "We don't consider it a decapitation at this time. A proper decapitation is a body with the head cut off. This is a case of a head with the body cut off. Completely different situation"[/quote] This is a debootyfication...
[quote]Most Boomers are such absent grandparents you aren’t missing much. [/quote] I'm not seeing that at all. ...

re: WINNER: Beans - LouisianaLady

Posted by SpotCheckBilly on 5/30/24 at 12:18 pm
[quote]With regards to the continuation of the challenges, not sure if I can “not” participate, although Lord knows I’ve tried. [/quote] It was a hard choice between you and LL this time. I could just look at the picture of your green beans and ham and taste it. My wife saves ham bones for either...
That was basically hamburger helper at our house, and there were no leftovers. Also... Tuna, mac and cheese, LeSuer peas and mushrooms Cubed pork cutlets, floured and fried with mashed potatoes and gravy and peas or greens ...
Sounds like it could be fun. ...
[quote]If someone brazenly grabs my kid like this, I’m pretty sure I would not be able to stop myself from saving the state the trouble of having to worry about prosecuting them for kidnapping. [/quote] I would volunteer to be on the jury. ...
There are a lot of factors to consider, but as for the child knowing her grandparents, that's up to y'all. We lived 650 miles from one set of grandparents and our daughter knew them well. I grew up a similar distance from mine, and I knew they well. Lots of travel, but's just a day on the road and t...

re: WINNER: Beans - LouisianaLady

Posted by SpotCheckBilly on 5/30/24 at 9:39 am
I have never entered anything, but I really like seeing what you guys are creating. I hope you will continue. I now have a Beans alla Vodka recipe highlighted and in the cooking queue. Maybe I will get up the courage to enter something one day, depending on the ingredient....
[quote]Gotta ask. Is there some kind of dictionary out there where these names get picked?[/quote] I don't think any dictionaries want to get involved in all this. I wonder if he has a brother named Yorickey?...