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Registered on:11/27/2019
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US Flag recommendations?

Posted by texn on 5/16/24 at 7:20 pm
Can anyone recommend a place to buy a high quality, US flag and pole, for indoor use, that is made in the USA? The kind on an 8 foot poll that you see on stage during public events. Everything I see online appears to be cheaply or foreign made. I would prefer cotton or natural fiber vs. synthetic...
[quote] We normal heterosexual men are hardwired to immediately vet women based on physiological characteristics.[/quote] That's why I don't wife swap. I hate to see what I would end up with in an even trade....

re: What work from home has ruined?

Posted by texn on 5/15/24 at 1:53 pm
[quote]Nice work. Now quickly log back into fareplay and make a thread stating the opposite. [/quote] I always thought fareplay was an Oweo alter. ...
I get them all the time. Tried the "Do you see a For Sale sign out front?" bit, but that didn't work because Jugdish was in Bombay....
Bigger refrigerator = more beer :cheers: Good lookin' kitchen!...

re: May 11, 1945 - Germany Surrenders!

Posted by texn on 5/11/24 at 11:29 am
That's what they get for bombing Pearl Harbor...

re: A twist on school shenanigans

Posted by texn on 5/10/24 at 2:55 pm
There's the teachers from when I was in school...

re: Random Google Maps browsing of the day.

Posted by texn on 5/10/24 at 2:53 pm
[img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipMHzHQXiGB8NeE2ak05srnCNwkvidxictEXo05g=s1360-w1360-h1020[/img] Luecke Farm, Smithville TX...
In my household, 500 rounds of ammo is called "low on ammo"...
[quote]Roughly one in 37 homes are now considered seriously underwater[/quote] How many of these homes are STR investments that someone thought "I can buy, spend $200K putting in new floors and sliding barn doors and increase its value $250K" only to find out that they didn't?...
Don't even remember the birthdates...but if I check the VHS tapes, I can give you dates & times of conception...
[quote] women pulling out sweaty cash from their bras in the summer[/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/bb73caaf-7f2d-4c9a-8bec-1bab52fa3548_text.gif[/img]...

re: Nerves as a Coach

Posted by texn on 5/6/24 at 2:08 pm
Kids have forgotten who won or lost by the time their car ride home ends. Coaches should do the same....
"Press 1 to listen to a long winded menu listing before being disconnected" "Press 2 to be disconnected immediately"...
you know that they have color film now...