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Registered on:8/1/2007
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re: “Fail Safe”. Anyone?

Posted by tgerb8 on 5/30/24 at 9:25 pm
[quote]I would trade New York and Washington for Moscow.[/quote] They can just have Washington and New York... No trade needed. ...
[quote]If Trump get in, he will NEVER LEAVE[/quote] what do they base this talking point on? more fairy dust and BS like the rest of their Trump talking points?...

re: Trump booed at Conf?

Posted by tgerb8 on 5/26/24 at 7:29 pm
[quote]Did I read a report about him getting a bootiful welcome at Libertarian conf last night?[/quote] The guy that got "elected" gets boo'd everywhere he shows his face, including his hometown. sounds like good news to me! :lol:...
baseball is such an intricate sport. today I learned that you can strike out with four strikes and you can score a run without touching home plate....

re: LSU 11 @ South Carolina 10 Final

Posted by tgerb8 on 5/24/24 at 2:50 pm
[quote]The gods were shining on us yesterday.[/quote] that was one of the most fun baseball games I've ever seen. that trey Morgan/wake forest game last year was probably all time. but that 9th inning last night was intense!...
[quote]Yes, the way I see it is he was teaching kids to think for themselves and not follow the masses[/quote] Right. Teaching kids how to think will lead to what they think. There are so many prevalent and poisonous ideas floating around today. fortunately you can only believe those if that's wh...

re: November 2024 Early Prediction??

Posted by tgerb8 on 5/14/24 at 10:24 pm
[quote]Cheating or a Trump landslide[/quote] both... again....

re: Geomagnetic solar storm this weekend?

Posted by tgerb8 on 5/10/24 at 9:27 am
[quote]You fellas down in the South might see the Aurora on the horizon this weekend.[/quote] Seent em when I was like 18 during a trip to Canada. Probably the most incredible thing I've ever seen....
probably the primary reason I didn't vax was because "they" wanted me to so bad. I usually don't take advice from people who care nothing about my well being and would most likely prefer me me dead. so I, for one, am thankful they pushed it so stupidly hard. ...
Just because you vote for Trump doesn't make you smart. It simply confirms youre smarter than someone who voted for Biden. In other words.. I think he's still an insufferable douche nugget. ...
[quote]Violations does not = fraud.[/quote] Fraud - a person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities. [quote]20,713 ballots with certified votes have no source tabulator from which they should have originate...
Yeah. saw that story yesterday. So that's Wisconsin and Georgia that (we already knew) Trump won. Guarantee he won Arizona too....
[quote]Black kids in the Bronx don’t even know the word “computer”.[/quote] did they skip to the part that lays out how many millions in tax dollars they need to fix the dumb in the black kids?...
[quote]I’ve thought this for a long time as well. Also, tin foil, what’s stopping the CIA or NSA from simply setting up some “rich entrepreneur” with a bunch of start up capital and just go build an app that people give sensitive info to Like these apps that are for cancelling subscriptions you’re n...
[quote]"Taylor, I'm a member of the LGBTQ community, if I go to Texas they're not going to throw me off a roof,"[/quote] go ahead Don. FAFO. won't be for being gay though. ...
[quote]Ole Miss leaders were aware of behaviors that were "offensive, hurtful, and unacceptable, including actions that conveyed hostility and racist overtones" at Thursday's protest.[/quote] They're talking about the group that is actively protesting the existence of a race of people, right?!?!?...
[quote]people who believe Covid vaccines have harmed them are probably wrong about the cause of their problems.[/quote] I mean. sure. I get this line of thinking. but there is a point where it's no longer coincidental. like.. when theres hundreds of thousands if not millions of reports. that's...

re: LSU now owning dorks on campus

Posted by tgerb8 on 5/3/24 at 5:09 pm
SEC - [America] just means more......
[quote]Working as intended. The idea is to force the poor into total dependency[/quote] yeah. at some point, after saying to yourself "They cannot have absolutely zero economic sense!?!? How do they know this won't work as intended?" that lightbulb goes off and says "Yes, you're right." They'r...
[quote]I had to Google diva cup[/quote] I'm glad you did it... I really didn't want to....