Favorite team:US Marine Corps 
Location:Team Gun
Number of Posts:30951
Registered on:3/7/2004
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Congrats on this huge accomplishment....

re: Champions League Final Tmrw

Posted by kengel2 on 5/31/24 at 8:49 pm
Honestly didn't even think they would be here. ACL injuries to Courtois, Alaba, and Militao. Thought for sure this season was sunk....
Theme for the day is walk off hr....
SEC schools are getting lucky today...

re: Champions League Final Tmrw

Posted by kengel2 on 5/31/24 at 2:42 pm
Madrid all the way....
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vazi-tsoomg[/embed] Get a 3D printer and make your own trophies, that way you can feel special....

re: Catcher's Interference Rule?

Posted by kengel2 on 5/31/24 at 10:19 am
[quote]While it is not an automatic strike as many people have mentioned, when the batter steps out of the box before the catcher moves forward, you can no longer have interference, since there was no batter to interfere with. What they umpires failed to recognized was that the play changed when the...

re: Catcher's Interference Rule?

Posted by kengel2 on 5/31/24 at 9:14 am
[quote]Again going back to my post that broke this down. Since it was a pitch, and Neal was in front of the hitter, he gave him no attempt to swing at the pitch, doesnt matter if batter stepped away or not. [/quote] What happens if he's out of the box and he swings at the pitch? He was bailing b...

re: Catcher's Interference Rule?

Posted by kengel2 on 5/31/24 at 8:32 am
[link=(https://youtu.be/XK-IeXVweH8?si=gF1eWFH1klfKpHOy&t=40)]Video of play if anyone wants to take another look.[/link] Batter bails on the pitch as soon as the runner takes off. If the batter doesnt bail out so fast, I could see catchers interference. Batter is bailing before the pitch is even ...
[quote]Destroy everything so we can pay football players.[/quote] Whats funny is all the other athletes thought they were going to get paid as well. Sorry, no one cares about synchronized water polo. :lol:...
[quote]Anybody have any advice on how to prevent this little bastards from getting on the paint?[/quote] My very limited google research seems to show that it comes from mulch or rotting hardwoods. Maybe switch to the rubber mulch or a different brand mulch. [link=(https://www.thespruce.co...

re: Neighbor is getting a Divorce

Posted by kengel2 on 5/29/24 at 8:08 pm
[quote]She hot?[/quote] Probably not if her husband is banging a dude....

re: Any experience with Generlink?

Posted by kengel2 on 5/29/24 at 4:10 pm
You have to have some sort of main disconnect. You might have a disconnect by the meter, you could replace that with a manual transfer switch or a panel. Also, you might be able to add a main breaker to your panel. Some of the loadcenters have that capability. Id get an electrician out to look...

re: Rekluse clutch for dirtbike.

Posted by kengel2 on 5/29/24 at 4:02 pm
[quote] For what you describe the WR250F would be perfect. [/quote] Ill check these out as well, brand isnt a big sticking point for me. I just dont need a full on motox bike....

re: Message to all you coonasses

Posted by kengel2 on 5/29/24 at 3:50 pm
Thank you. Geaux Tigers....

re: Rekluse clutch for dirtbike.

Posted by kengel2 on 5/29/24 at 3:48 pm
Ill probably just ride it stock for a while and see what happens, I'm not jumping anything. The kid can do that if he wants. The autoclutch on his 110 just makes it easy. Thats what got me looking at this stuff. No clutch to dump or stall. ...

re: James Simon commits to TX

Posted by kengel2 on 5/29/24 at 12:44 pm
Feels like tejas is just throwing it around right now. [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYnQxc3hyMTEycjhuMXFlMDh5dHVzcjBjcTQxZGxxN3kzdTF2ejk2aCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/9HQRIttS5C4Za/giphy.gif[/img] ...
[quote]Y’all use social media wrong. Facebook should only include friends and family that you know.[/quote] Can you say it again?...

re: Focus Days - what do you think k

Posted by kengel2 on 5/29/24 at 8:50 am
[quote]Thoughts?[/quote] Keep calling. ...