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[quote]The current levels of CO2 are approaching the minimum required to support live as we know it on earth.[/quote] I'm going to go through these links, and share them with my buddies and see what they say... but I'm not seeing stuff backing up this claim right here at a glance....
[quote]Then they are wrong. That is tantamount to saying there is no minimum food amount a human needs to survive. It’s stupid on the face of it.[/quote] But that wasn't the statement... the statement was that we are currently almost at the point where there is not high enough CO2 levels for plan...
[quote]Stanford Edu [/quote] incorrect attribution... the personal page of a retired (2008) Stanford professor who seems to be a devoted contrarian... not the University's endorsed view. That matters....

re: Cuba today

Posted by Lee B on 5/28/24 at 6:42 pm
[quote]10 years before castro's death Forbes said he was worth 900 million USD..[/quote] Certainly he was... because Dictators own their entire country's Capital... everything in Cuba is worth 900 million, probably. Total. Whoa... their GDP is 107 billion? [link=(https://data.worldbank.org...
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOq_-XzWAAElTA7?format=jpg&name=900x900 [/img] well, even the USA had to have a draft in WWI and WWII, right?...
I just got a bummer of a thought about the Taliban turning over all that military equipment we left in Afghanistan to Russia... it's all useless to the Taliban, who don't know how to use it or more importantly keep any of it working... but would that be the case with Russia? I'm assuming other than ...
[quote]Would Israel have similar restrictions on weapons we gave them if they were in the same situation Ukraine is in? The answer is a clear “no”, because Israel is actually important to US interests[/quote] Israel struck back by firing missiles directly into Iran. Israel blows up some shite b...
[quote]Christian lads[/quote] Does this change your feelings? [link=(https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2022/10/25/russia-putin-is-using-ethnic-minorities-to-fight-in-ukraine)]Al Jazeera:'Putin is using Russia's ethnic minorities to fight in Ukraine'[/link] [i]We know that statistically Dag...
[quote]Do you get paid by the word or post?[/quote] Soros just gives me a yearly grant, with medical and dental....
[quote]I worked in roofing they don’t get paid $20 an hour more like $15 with no OT, no issues, no PTO, and no benefits. They hire illegal, alcoholics, and drug addicts and pay them cash weekly. McDonald’s offers more than that[/quote] That would be why I assume they're making peanuts, see?...
[quote]The guy is 80 if he decided to be a dictator it would be an extra year or 2 max.[/quote] His parents lived into their 90s... or, well, their bodies did... (well, dad was 93 and had dementia, mother was 88 and still of sound mind, I believe. And I'd forgotten that she tried to fight o...
But on this topic of Cars... The future will not be everybody driving an electric car, that's impractical for many reasons... The future will be fewer people driving at all, and the ones who do mostly driving electric cars. Young people are habitually moving to major metros (because, like,...
[quote] Google: "minimum level of co2 for plant life"[/quote] I did... not seeing that statement anywhere... but I do have a buddy who's a Chemical Engineer employed in the PetroChem sector and texted him that statement, and he said [i]"lol look, how can we be near the "minimum" histor...
[quote] Humans, plants and animals can’t live without sufficient CO2 in the atmosphere. The current levels of CO2 are approaching the minimum required to support live as we know it on earth. The CO2 Coalition has wonderful facts that you are never told.[/quote] Well, that's certainly a fac...
[quote] All those Prius owners are about to cancel Toyota.[/quote] Why? Most Prius models are gasoline/electric hybrids......
[quote]Is it equally shocking that the overwhelming majority of these impoverished migrants are military-aged men?[/quote] The US military has depended a bit on non-citizens enlisting, hoping to get a path to citizenship....
[quote]geez these guys doing low skilled labor jobs who look lost and don’t speak a word of English must be American[/quote] Who's going to do the low-skilled jobs for peanuts?...
[quote]quote: quote: Western fighters in Ukraine are getting killed because they assumed the war would be easy, says a US veteran who fought there Business Insider. I mentioned my buddy who is a Marine who served in Afghanistan and who went to Ukraine when guys from his old unit convinced ...
I heard someone or other on Youtube (I just let it play while I work a lot of the time and the algorithm pumps Ukraine stuff at me) say that European shell production is actually bigger than we think it is... but it's usually sold to countries that are not in Europe... but to African and Middle-East...
[quote]Is this supposed to be some Russian hype? Lol, guys who fought guys with rusty AK's and RPGs are now fighting a 2nd world millitary. And saying it's harder? Is that news?[/quote] I think it's the brutal WWI trench warfare aspect... I understand what it's saying. The Russians aren't dealing...