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Location:Enterprise Alabama
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Registered on:9/11/2018
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[quote]Of course. Apparently the grand jury was very biased and unfair. And the judge is biased and unfair. And the jury is biased and unfair. And if he appeals and loses, that judge is biased and unfair etc. etc. [/quote] If Trump committed actual crimes and was legitimately convicted of said c...
[quote]Are you under the impression that Trump hasn't been charged with 34 crimes in the indictment?[/quote] No one is under the impression that Trump has not been charged. The 34 charges are laughable and the lead in for felony crimes is absurd. It is political persecution period. Anyone that...
[quote]Apparently the grand jury disagrees with your opinion.[/quote] A grand jury in NY would indict Trump for playing tic, tac, toe. So what is your point?...
[quote]RedStickFox Are u really this fricking stupid and ill-informed?[/quote] I can answer for him, yes and yes....
[quote]He paid a hooker, tried to cover it up, and it could have changed how people voted.[b] That makes a crime.[[/b]/quote] That would make every politician a criminal and especially the Bidens. ...
[quote]Troll = anyone who knows more than Warboo[/quote] Well that would disqualify you as being a troll but still does not revoke your title as being a dumbass. [quote] what actual crimes Trump has been charged with and what the underlying crimes are that allegedly allow for the sentence enha...
[quote]Sticking your fingers in your ears and acting like you can't hearing anything isn't the way that adults have discussions. If you honestly haven't heard what the crimes are I'd be happy to give you the info. But I have a feeling your just trolling.[/quote] I am in awe that someone that is a...
[quote]Trump isn't being locked up because of his politics. [/quote] You even do not believe this. You should be ashamed for being dumb enough to post it. ...
[quote] Because he's not a domestic terrorist? Do you honestly dream of living in a country where you can lock up some guy because you don't like his politics?[/quote] I want you to read slowly what you just posted.....think about it seriously. I will give you one chance to guess of a exampl...
[quote]He also couldn't except foreign bribes by law, yet he did that.[/quote] You got this one confused. Biden is the villain here. [quote]He couldn't by law attempt to overthrow the election on January 6th, and yet.[/quote] Again, you got this one confused. Biden and the Dems. did that ...
[quote]Does anyone reasonably believe that if Trump wins in November, he won't try to run again in 2028? He's already laid the groundwork, and his cult-like followers aren't going to object.[/quote] He cannot run by law. Neither can Barry. 2 terms and that is it. ...

re: On a scale of 1-10..

Posted by Warboo on 5/25/24 at 9:11 am
[quote]Holy crap. What kind of logic concludes that your candidate can only lose if the election is rigged? [/quote] Because the majority of legal voters will vote for Trump. It is pretty simple. ...
[quote]If not, he has the worst lawyers on this planet.[/quote] This has nothing to do with whether his lawyers were good or not (which they were awesome). It has everything to do with how the judge let this trial play out and a jury full of libtards....
I would say it is not revenge it is a reckoning. ...
[quote]Remember when a bunch of us said years ago that the elites were trafficking children and we were belittled? Looks like the "conspiracy theorists" were right yet again. Weird how the people who think they are so smart for believing the mainstream narrative keep getting proven wrong. You'd thin...
[quote]So essentially what he asked for before tens of thousands of people died and a country destroyed.[/quote] Ding Ding.....we have a winner. This is exactly what I was going to say....
[quote]You can't blame Biden without blaming Trump. That's the point. They both suck, and dumbasses like you and BamaAtl have made sure that this will continue. [/quote] Oh yes I see now. If meatball was going to be the next president we would be saved. :rotflmao:...
[quote]Inflation is largely being driven by housing costs.[/quote] Inflation is being driven by the over printing of currency and the war on energy. Housing, along with everything else (food, insurance, etc) is just a reflection of that....
[quote]He got the ball rolling on it, but we're supposed to buy that he's the only one who will fix it.[/quote] The ball was rolling well before Trump. Who is going to be better than Trump at fixing this economic disaster? The problem is that no matter who takes the reins it is going to take mo...