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re: Sorry to Russia and Ukraine.

Posted by RCDfan1950 on 6/1/24 at 2:08 am
Obama/Biden/Dem Deep State owns the blood. Straight up Trump said that “this would have never happened if I were president. The more pertinent question now becomes how much blood will be sacrificed in our own citizenry for their Marxist ‘color revolution’…and to hide all the grift and profiteering v...
Trump is a dead man walking if he chooses Haley for VP. Or in any capacity wherein she has access to the inner circle. She's a mole, and worse....
[quote]dims will find some illegal way around it. [/quote] Does Lee not see this, like this Forum does? Hell, that last Omnibus they passed has enough $ in there to fund the Dem's lawfare and importation of illegal immigrants for years. Short of playing as dirty as the Dems do and kicking in ...
Well, they need to send DOUBLY strong-worded letters. Maybe even move it up to TRIPLE DOUBLY...unless they want to save that for when they throw Trump in jail. :lol:...
[quote] Chevron is the decision that allows bureaucrats to make rules and policies that are effective laws. It's unconstitutional because Congress makes laws in this country. Presidents have hidden behind Chevron for decades. If it is overturned as unconstitutional, it will be one of the biggest...
Won't change his vote when the chips are down, nor the votes he gets for reelection. "If ye be neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth". Good Book, God speaking. ...

re: Ari Fleischer says get ready

Posted by RCDfan1950 on 5/31/24 at 9:28 am
Of course they will jail him...remember Hillary saying "if Trump wins we'll all hang". They know what they have done. Albeit it won't be Trump, but whatever form of 'government' rises up out of the societal collapse and anarchy. It'll be Authoritarian and given the that the perceived other side cau...
I realized this and said as much way back, as it’s either meet one’s opponent with equal power, or lose. Not rocket science. Republicans who hold allegiance to Constitutional Republic Principles are loathe to act contrary to the very principles which they purport and take an Oath to serve, yet are s...

re: Biden's Committment to a Debate

Posted by RCDfan1950 on 5/30/24 at 7:21 am
Plausible. Especially given Trump's "test for drugs" demand. No way the Dems risk Biden on that Stage....
Printing money and the inflation therein, IS a form of 'taxation', as such lessens the buying power of the Dollar and people have to pay more for less. Most people feel the pain, they just don't blame the Government for it, until the pain becomes intolerable. Then the scapegoating....
The whole US economy is now based on massive printing of money. Take that away and watch what happens. DC knows this and knows they can’t stop it. It’s a runaway train. ...

re: Possible End Times Senario

Posted by RCDfan1950 on 5/30/24 at 5:49 am
Predicting the specific events of the ‘end times’ is like predicting how the NCAA baseball tournament pans out. We know there will be a winner but who and how, right now is impossible. Don’t mean one can’t have fun imagining though. ...
A lot of Dems who were complicit in the suicidal and criminal policies and electoral conspiracies will be jumping ship to CYA as the MAGA wave builds. The Dems will do “what ever it takes” to keep Trump out. If they lose anyway, they will gas light the cities again and use the MSM to scream Muh Dict...
I wonder if they have ever even considered what happens when the basic goods and services infrastructure goes down in their "armed rebellion". No more Starbucks! :wah: Or Walmart for that matter. :scared: :violin: These folks will be imprisoned in the '"camps'" of their own Urban zombie apocalyp...

re: Jackson, MS has fallen

Posted by RCDfan1950 on 5/29/24 at 8:46 am
[quote] That’s chicken little bullshite.[/quote] So, that video is "chicken little bullshite"? The fact that this would be unthinkable just 10 years ago, much less rationalized as political fearmongering would be laughable, if it weren't so indicative of just where we are headed. The day is not ...

re: Jackson, MS has fallen

Posted by RCDfan1950 on 5/29/24 at 8:38 am
And given that these thugs will not be punished, this golden opportunity for government-sanctioned thievery will spread like Covid. At least in the Urban communities. When it hits the Burbs there will be shooting and killing and trouble, especially if the Government takes the side of the thugs and p...
I'm wondering how hard it would be for CCP Operatives that have crossed the Border en masse, to introduce manipulated viral Bird Flu pathogens into our food chain. We sure as hell won't be going to bat over Taiwan if we are on our knees fending off anarchy in our own land due to a food shortage. ...
[quote]:WhatDifferenceDoesItMake: [/quote] What people believe matters, and what they experience via the actions of their belief, will matter even more. The next BioWarfare 'Covid' will be much worse than the last, as will the next 'vaccine' to mitigate it's effects. Fermi Paradox in the mail...
I don't think Bob will be back for a sequel. :lol:...