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[quote]But that is a bit misleading in that it suggests they could rule Trump's treatment to be unconstitutional. The Supreme Court doesn't have that power. They can rule the law Trump was convicted of as unconstitutional. They can rule that a former president can not be tried for crimes committed w...
[quote]It’s a franchised hotel that’s not owned by Disney. They are irrelevant in this.[/quote] If they are a franchised hotel that uses Disney's name, then they are not irrelevant. Franchises have strict rules set by the parent corporation. Disney could prevent this if they wanted to....
[quote]Trump could have stood outside of all of those trials and held press conferences in support of Jan 6 protesters , but he didn't.... [/quote] Yes, Trump should have gone to thousands of trials that would have required the secret service secure the area. The logistics would have been nearly...
[quote]And, yes, I do realize “convicted felon” says a lot more about the weaponization of the judicial system than it does the actual cases. To the outside world, though, this is the election choice we face. [Takes a second and third look at RFK…][/quote] You admit that Trump was railroade...
[quote]The rich and powerful in this country have always had an advantage over the rest of us. They've always used their wealth and influence to frick over those who lack those things. Donald Trump himself is one of those very people. I don't know if this verdict is just. I don't know if it's unj...
[quote]Clinton Bros are fricking weird.[/quote] This would make more sense if Reagan hadn't used the slogan first. Your desperation to attack Trump supporters is noted, though....
[quote]A large percentage of the populace is pissed about the weaponization of the judiciary so Bannon and his crowd are screaming for more weaponization of the judiciary. Makes sense.[/quote] The alternative is to do nothing. That's the favorite approach of you Republicans. ...
[quote]Found the dumbass who just makes up shite to cloud the judgment of other people trying to genuinely understand factual information.[/quote] What factual information? The judge is making it up as he goes. Here's your factual information: 1. The DA ran on a platform of getting Trump 2....
[quote]Willie Stroker[/quote] You're twisting yourself into a lot of knots to defend a clearly biased judge....
[quote]Who’s the leader of the Republican Party? Is there one?[/quote] Do you think the leader of the republican party has the authority to arrest and prosecute people? Of course you don't. You just don't have the ability to think about what you're really saying when you get all giddy with...
[quote]Don't try and jump the shark with your leather jacket on. It's a stupid move and you look incredibly silly doing it.[/quote] When will you people learn that following the rules while the democrats do whatever they want is a losing strategy? It's bad enough that you keep trying to be above...
[quote]Scientists take a sample from a cancer patient's tumour and analyse it's genetic code. They then use part of this, called RNA, to develop a bespoke vaccine for the patient in a lab. [/quote] Why are they calling it a vaccine? Vaccines prevent infection. At least they did before covid. ...
[quote]Let me know if you've heard this before....a country that borders Russia has border areas populated by either ethnic Russians or populations sympathetic to Russia. [b]These areas try to break away from the larger state.[/b] Russia claims there is violence against the separatists, so Russia in...
[quote]He deserves the convictions for being so stupid as to leave behind an easily followed paper trail.[/quote] Holy shite, this is incredibly stupid. You expect people to do a regular business transaction that happens hundreds of thousands of times with $100k in cash? I hope you're 12, because ...
[quote]HFS do u have amnesia? that was all started by the likes of jon hams, fun bunches, and many fake posters posing here when they were always TDS riddled never trumpers. so your pussy loser arse can dish it but cannot take it??LOLOLOL[/quote] You nailed it.. They've been melting nonstop for 4 ...
[quote]If we compared websites to countries, tigerdroppings would be third world African country. This is a small, insignificant website with very little traffic compared to Reddit and other websites.[/quote] Three Americans were just caught trying to overthrow one of those African countries. If ...
[quote]Why can't we call it out accurately without having to crown Trump as a saint?[/quote] No one is claiming Trump is a saint. That's just you being histrionic, like a woman. You accuse people of acting "like Trump is saint," yet you can't give Trump credit for anything he has done. If you do,...
[quote]When people ask for an example of MAGA grifting, I think this will become the example[/quote] Like racist, antisemite, and populist, grifter has been watered down so much with misuse that it simply means someone you don't like now....
[quote]Dersh's bread is buttered with MAGA support these days. He'll say any stupid or insane thing the echo chamber wants to hear, whether he believes it (or it being rational/realistic) or not. This is particularly shameful stuff. He shed honor/respect to get paid, which is why it's a grift....

re: She's not guilty.

Posted by TenWheelsForJesus on 5/30/24 at 1:59 pm
Black people don't have the mental capacity to be responsible for their actions. That is what all these democrats are really saying....