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Jurors are woke. If anything, some of them will probably create hoaxes about being threatened....then they'll make GoFundMe pages, and mysteriously get a few million dollars. ...
Of course they will. Some people watched the most the insane kangaroo court convict trump....but they still think Democrats wouldn't imprison him. ...
This. It's not the charge.. but I agree that the msm used that talking point so much that the people who didn't follow the case would believe the act of paying stormy at all....was illegal. And that's what they were going for.. to coax the masses into believing something not illegal...was illeg...
Florida legislators could always create a trump sanctuary bill. Hey... it worked for illegals in California and ny. California and ny are consistently fighting off gov agencies that try to pick up illegals. ...
[quote]A reasonable driver would conclude they need to leave the area as quickly as possible, especially after a season of riots, violence, and people not being prosecuted for criminal behavior[/quote] Even more so if one had paid attention to the riots...and saw news of people being pulled from ...
[quote]What does “dangerous” mean? What does he mean by that? There’s no follow up to it? Why is it dangerous?[/quote] Basically he's threatening people. State dictates who is dangerous....and state will target dangerous people. Think of those mafia movies where a boss says something like "...
Ya do know that the DOJ is going after trump because he mishandled classified documents... right? His 'intent' doesn't mean shite...and it shouldn't. 'Intent' is used as a free pass for hillbitch, Biden, etc, when they break the law, though. What makes it so ridiculous is that both hillbit...
How will they know what crime she committed until they investigate? For all we know she has a few expired misdemeanors in Florida that the state can turn into a felony......
What's scary is that if that bumbling a-hole gets us into a legit war.... his allies will mimic Ukraine and suspend elections...so that we're stuck with the same people who fricked everything up in the first place and got us into a war. ...
What a dumb kunt. I like how she's so narcissistic that she believes she will be the voice of north Dakota. Sounds like another Liz Cheney. Except dumber. At least Liz was smart enough to sucker voters into voting for her before she fricked over her constituents. This dumbass won't win shite....
Bragg probably gets a judgeship down the road, and merchan will probably get a supreme spot once one of the older guys retire. Democrats take care of those who do corrupt shite for them. ...

re: When Do the Camps Start?

Posted by Plx1776 on 5/30/24 at 8:17 pm
Basically. The useful idiots are always betrayed by the powers that use them to force a country to change. Because those useful idiots have been conditioned to riot, scream, attack, create chaos...and the first thing a newly reformed country wants to portray, is that it is a secure and s...

re: “Protecting Democracy”…

Posted by Plx1776 on 5/30/24 at 7:09 pm
Our democracy smells a lot like the shite stalin was peddling. ...
Biden will mysteriously get 120+ million votes....and again, we won't be allowed to question it. ...
No. Most of them are probably just regular people who have awareness of the social climate. If they didn't vote him guilty.... it's them and their families who would be targeted by the mob. Msm would've posted their addresses, phone numbers...etc, and when the threats and harassment started...
Why do the most venomous TDS'ers always pretend to be [i]undecided[/i] or [i]moderate[/i]? ...
Tobacco industry and alcohol industry. If legal everywhere, weed would quickly overtake alcohol as the #1 substance used by most people to relax after work.. It would replace cigarettes, because why smoke cigarettes when legalized weed can provide that same satisfaction one can get fro...
Yes. Yes. Give em life in prison. How dare anyone drive their vehicle on that blessed symbol of who people have sexual intercourse with. People should stop their cars before reaching that blessed symbol...and then take their shoes off, and put on a pair of their softest socks, then walk across...

re: Thomas Massie has a new poll up on X

Posted by Plx1776 on 5/30/24 at 11:04 am
In Israel's defense... we also do a shite ton of meddling in their elections. Some of our politicians even feel emboldened to demand democratically elected people in Israel step down. Idk about 2020 or what's coming in 2024, but I still feel that Ukraine was the biggest meddler in 2016. Some ...