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Registered on:1/10/2007
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[quote]If he connected on that 3-0 pitch, you'd be talking about how awesome it was that he had the green light there. You're letting hindsight cloud your judgment.[/quote] bullshite. Obviously everyone would have been ecstatic if he homered, but pre-pitch it was an obvious take call. I was shocke...

re: How long has NATO been Lying?

Posted by ChewyDante on 5/24/24 at 10:00 am
[quote]Of course he wants a ceasefire. Everyone wants a ceasefire. The terms of the ceasefire are the problem.[/quote] But the neo-cons, mainstream media, and our foreign policy moral crusading overlords have insisted that Russia intends to conquer all of Ukraine as a precursor to their plan...
[quote]Have you ever been in Baton Rouge La and accidentally switched on 98.1 and heard Condon?[/quote] I seem to recall a clip of Condon bitching about Tigerdroppings. :lol:...
Trump's biggest weakness in debates is allowing the moderator or the opponent to change the subject to something non-substantive or personal against Trump and he goes off topic defending himself personally and squandering all his limited time and often coming across vain in so doing. He needs to...

re: Joe Rogan should host the debates

Posted by ChewyDante on 5/15/24 at 10:16 am
It doesn't even need to be Rogan. It needs to be long form discussion though. The current format is so mindlessly dumb and useless and anti-intellectual. It's all about talking points and zingers and due to the short time for responding, the moderators have enormous influence in manipulating the dis...
[quote]This seems to conflict with your previous statement[/quote] I didn't make a previous statement. You seem to be confusing me with OP. ...
Israel is in no position to dictate shite to the United States or to threaten us in anyway if we don't do what they want or demand. It is laughable and disconcerting how many people mindlessly believe the United States exists to serve Israel. ...
[quote]Not sure they're smarter so much as bereft of conscience. Makes it a lot easier to keep everyone in line if there's no real principals to muddy the waters.[/quote] Right. Cunning is the word, not smarter. ...
It's obvious what the Democrats are attempting to do with this issue right before election time to distract from their true position. This move can easily be parried if the Republicans counter with a clear, unified voice demanding long term and uncompromising solutions, including barriers, deportati...
[quote]$185,000 in damages after finding that a deputy inflicted emotional distress while Johnson attempted to film his mother’s arrest.[/quote] This is such horseshite and so disgustingly prevalent. If there are real, tangible damages that can be directly tallied, then that's one thing. "Emotiona...
[quote]Hitching your wagon to Donald Trump at this point is political suicide. Ask Mike Pence or a host of others.[/quote] Yeah, Pence was a superstar in the political world before Trump... :rotflmao:...
[quote]Some believe he lived until 1960s[/quote] And some people believe that someone with a penis and testicles and XY chromosomes are women. So tf what? ...
I've been mocked in the past, on this site even, for harping on the fact that our biggest enemy now and into the future is still Marxism. Just because the Soviet state disintegrated doesn't mean Marxist revolutionaries disappeared or surrendered the cause or that their fanaticism and the appeal of t...
[quote]Col MacGregor was an excellent tactician and commander but not a great strategist which is the reason he didn't get a star. An example of the ideas people took issue with was he wanted to dissolve both the Marines and the XVIII Airborne Corps.[/quote] From the Foreign Policy Research Insti...
John Mearsheimer is not just some "online political commentator." He is a renowned scholar in the field of international relations. I was introduced to his ideas nearly 15 years ago in graduate studies. His philosophy on the way the international realm operates has been consistent and for some reaso...
[quote]Because something doesn't affect you, it's not important or worthwhile?[/quote] When it's the foreign policy of the United States and will cost the American taxpayer hundreds of billions of dollars and directly involves us materially and politically in active warfare against a nuclear powe...
[quote]What a pile of crap take on a situation. Smooth brained liberal, folks.[/quote] It's actually yet another perfect example of their true nature. They don't give af about adherence to universal principles on anything. They are not good faith actors. The sooner we understand and come to te...
[quote]We were never allies with Russia. We lent them weaponry, fuel and supplies until we entered the war.[/quote] This is a very incorrect assessment. The United States under FDR gave the USSR weapons from before we entered the war and all the way throughout the war. We never held back due to c...
[quote]Putin like Hitler believes the opposition nations are weak and will fold. Putin like Hitler negotiates in bad faith. Putin like Hitler murders his political enemies.[/quote] None of this indicates some evidence of a Putin grand scheme to invade Europe and defeat the West through arms. One ...
[quote]The vast majority of gun show sales are by dealers and utilize background checks[/quote] This. And the vast majority of sales from private sellers are of relics. I haven't seen too many gang or mass shootings being carried out with a Krag-Jorgensen. I know this is redundant, but Kamala...