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[quote]I think your argument will have a very tough time in court based on the law itself.[/quote] The prosecutor has already offered to drop the charges if the defendant apologizes. That tells you right there it’s a weak case. ...
[quote]Felon giving back to the service workers who enrich his life[/quote] Could be worse. Trump could be diddling his preteen daughter in the shower like the guy you voted for ...
[quote]Faaaaaaaaaaar riiiiiiiiiight![/quote] Right up there with “Republicans pounce”...
[quote]Politicians on both sides have becomes accustomed to buying votes as their primary strategy to win elections.[/quote] A tax cut is literally the opposite of buying votes ...
[quote]Are you going to denounce “gender affirming care?”[/quote] No she will not because she supports it. Her support of child genital mutilation is why she supports going after the person who exposed it. ...
[quote]How do we know he wasn't paid by the far-right extremist blogs he leaked PHI to? Good thing we'll have a trial to see if he violated any laws![/quote] How do we know the prosecutor isn’t a far-left extremist that supports child genital mutilation? ...
[quote]Any person who votes for a man that took showers with his daughter when she was between the ages of 12 and 15 over a guy that mean tweets cannot be reasoned with.[/quote] DawginSC said it’s normal for men to shower with their teenaged daughter...
[quote]The comparison of property damage is meaningless and not the point.[/quote] bullshite Those businesses were owned by someone and provided a livelihood for someone. Of course you being a Commie who doesn’t believe in private property rights would think it is meaningless. ...
[quote]“bat soup.” [/quote] Anyone who claims to be a doctor who fell for the bat soup hoax should have their medical license revoked ...
Good look trying to convince a jury that a physician is a criminal for exposing a hospital mutilating the bodies of preteens. Odd hill to die on ...
[quote]He leaked patient data. Time to face consequences.[/quote] Here Commie, read The lead prosecutor on Haim’s investigation is Assistant U.S. Attorney Tina Ansari of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Texas. [b]Haim’s lawyers said that Ansari admitted she never revi...
[quote]He leaked patient data. Time to face consequences.[/quote] Got any proof of this? ...
[quote]crazy4lsu[/quote] That dude is still sucking Fauci’s dick ...
Every answer given will be met by a “nuh uh that’s not lawfare” from our board pretend lawyer SFP ...
I wonder how many of our board Groomers clicked on this thread then quietly backed out of it? ...
[quote]Taylor Swift [/quote] I hear Iran is a nice place and treats women very kindly. She should go there. ...
[quote]Beagles are often used because they are sweet, trusting, dogs that are docile and thus easy to handle. They are often bred specifically for research and kept in cages just slightly bigger than their bodies and never exercised, never taken out etc, because no regulations require anything more....
[quote]Imagine being charged for protecting yourself by using a constitutional right in the first place. Another Soros DA did some work on this couple[/quote] “But there is no lawfare” ~ SFP...