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I think you are correct. It also had not made it out of the state appeals process (which is the normal course). They took it on some kind of extraordinary writ powers. They can and should exercise those here if there’s any chance of restoring integrity to the judicial system ...

re: Ari Fleischer says get ready

Posted by Wednesday on 5/31/24 at 8:30 am
[quote]At this point, I’d be absolutely shocked if he doesn’t.[/quote] Same. Merchan has utterly disgraced himself, the robe and the legal profession. He’s a walking constitutional atrocity....
1-the jury convicted Trump for something someone else pled guilty to. That’s really awesome and fair and respects due process. 2-the state of New York has no subject matter jurisdictionto punish a criminal defendant for a violation of federal law, which is what Cohen pled guilty to. IOW, the j...
[quote]I know that you’re aware that SCOTUS doesn’t issue advisory opinions or hear hypothetical cases.[/quote] True. But courts can declare rights that are uncertain. And well- Trump’s rights/ powers as president are rendered uncertain. We agreed earlier, that the sentence eliminates the hy...
[quote]What I need someone to articulate, and I haven’t seen it yet, is the why.[/quote] Because if he wins, and the conviction (which ain’t final till last appeal delays run) becomes final while he is a sitting president, what happens exactly?...
[quote]what is the constitutional crisis?[/quote] The state of New York sentencing a presidential candidate during a presidential campaign based on a federal felony over which the state of New York has no subject matter jurisdiction, and about which the criminal defendant had no notice, even afte...
Ok Alvin. Calm down. I’m sure there’s no remedy for your fake judgment. Regardless. The party in a hurry was the prosecution. The prosecution doesn’t have due process rights. And further a NY court lacks the subject matter jurisdiction to determine federal election decisions. So there’s that...
1- Jamie Raskin will be along in a minute to intoduce legislation that says a conviction will disqualify him and we have to trust the dipshits in the House of Representatives to vote no- so if that happens - definite immediate review 2- the Jack Smith case was pending in the Federal System and t...
[quote]Bush v Gore covers this in detail, just FYI[/quote] You mean in Bush v Gore where serious constitutional crisis arose in the middle of a fricking presidential election AND THE SUPREME COURT DECIDED TO EXERCISE JURISDICTION BEFORE THE MATTER WAS DETERMINED ON THE FINAL STATE COURT APPEAL? ...
Isn’t Pennsylvania in the second circuit? I know This is NY - but he had control of whether the writ was considered in the PA fake ballots cases before the election ...
SCOTUS Blog begs to differ . . . (I am not pretending to be some expert SCOTUS litigator. I’ve filed 2 writ applications there ever). Here’s Scotus blog’s take: [quote]But neither Article III of the Constitution nor many of the Supreme Court’s jurisdictional statutes require it to wait f...
No they would have to submit a writ and I think the judge over the second circuit would decide whether to present . . . Which I think is Alitio :lol: Thereafter they would have to vote on whether to consider ...
You’re right Bucky. I do no criminal law whatsoever- but (at least according to Levin) there are extraordinary circumstances where the SCOTUS will hear something immediately. I’m not sure it’s applications in criminal circumstances, but if this ain’t a break glass moment, I’m not sure what is...
The judge’s conduct of the entire trial was outrageous. It went far beyond his daughter being some fundraiser. There were fundamental flaws in his decisions that could only have been made to leave the jurors no other choice but to convict. It was a constitutional atrocity, and the judge knew...
I’m sure he will, and will find some dumb basis based on his extensive knowledge of defending DWIs why a novel constitutional crisis is just another day at the office :lol:...
I was pondering whether this may be possible driving home from my office right after I got my Twitter account placed on “read only” mode for telling one of the Krassestein worms to “frick off. I hope you choke on your kool aid” after whichever worm it was started pontificating the democrat propagand...
Not ashamed to be an American, ever. The bullshite that happened in NY today is the antithesis of what it means to be an American. The judge and the prosecutors don’t deserve to call themselves Americans. Hell if that judge was actually born in Columbia- let’s go ahead and deport him. ...
No. I’ve never tried a case where the judge didn’t give them the written instructions. ...