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Biography:LOVE LOVE LOVE LSU football!
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Registered on:12/3/2006
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re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by tigafan4life on 5/31/24 at 1:40 pm
Someone check on Milan’s back from carrying this team. :lol:...
Now I’m a menstrator? First I was a chest feeder, then a pregnant person now a menstrator. Thanks liberal white women. It’s all y’all’s fault. ...

re: Dealing with Teenage daughters

Posted by tigafan4life on 5/29/24 at 7:16 am
I have a 17 year old daughter. I’m sure she hates me too. It’s the age. They are rude and selfish. She hates me cuz I have rules. She will eventually grow out that phase and like you again. My 21 year old daughter and I are now friends. At 17 I was her parent and she didn’t like me much either...
[quote]Why do we pretend to be so proud of them when we all know this?[/quote] Cuz we are? [quote]It doesn't take any effort, it's not an accomplishment, it's nothing to be proud of.[/quote] My oldest graduated high school with 21 college credit hours along with a 4.0.....if that doesn't take effor...

re: Woke LSU Professors Exposed

Posted by tigafan4life on 5/20/24 at 10:13 pm
He’s a physics a professor? Prob should worry about being a better teacher of physics than yelling about white rage. The physics department is pure shite at LSU….no wonder why. They have professors worried about virtue signaling than being the best at their job. ...
Yeh it’s common. I think if you put clear nail polish in the post of fake gold ones it will protect the ear from getting irritated. ...
This weather is dumb. This is not the Midwest but the weather sure is acting like it. ...

re: Dry skin and fake tits

Posted by tigafan4life on 5/17/24 at 9:30 pm
We have eczema in our family and we use aquaphor ointment. It’s pretty greasy but it works. If you don’t want an ointment, use vanicream. It’s pretty thick lotion and works well with moisturizing the skin. If you want some relief overnight, do a wet wrap. Put the lotion/ointment on and put...
Ummmm senior picture photo sessions have been a thing for a longgggg time. :lol: ...
Raining pretty good again over by St Jude school. Stuck watching puppy dog tails in my bed with the 4 year old cuz he is scared of thunder. I asked if we could at least watch Bluey, got told no. ...
shite. Bad like this? Or just a strong storm? ...
Yeh. I thought this was one line of storms. I can’t take more of the EMS going off anymore. Freaks the toddler out and then I have 45 questions about tornados. ...
Good. The 4 year old thinks he can sleep in our bed tonight cuz of the weather. Need it to calm all the way down so I can put him in his bed. :lol: ...
I believe the green sky thing. When our house got hit back in like 1990 in Shenedoah, the one thing I remember was the sky was a shade of green. Have no desire to live through another tornado in this lifetime. ...
We live out by St. Jude school and it’s starting to let up but we had hail a few min ago. ...
Said it’s moving to Elliot acres and Antioch Village. Idk what elliot acres is lol...

re: GMT

Posted by tigafan4life on 5/11/24 at 6:14 am
Had an eventful night. Heard a bang or pop at about 3 am. I nudge the husband and tell him I hear something (I do this all the time and 99.999% it is nothing) so he gets up to investigate. I hear him turn off the alarm and open the front door and he closes it. I can hear him running back to our r...
It’s the misfits. Prob should have been bullied a bit and they could have turned out better. ...