Favorite team:Harvard 
Location:Yellowstone, Val d'isere
Biography:Social media poet, activist, essayist, rogue literary scholar, champion of truth & justice, emcee, academic, purveyor of rhetoric, & Tigerdroppings Influencer
Interests:Broward Yachts, Polo, and long walks on the beach
Occupation:Patent and business owner
Number of Posts:26033
Registered on:1/19/2004
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Recent Posts

I believe the play taking place right now is the push for a major short squeeze. GME and AMC short sellers have lost over $69.42 billion dollars in the last 48 hours. In GME alone the short interest is approximately 27% of its float (the 27% is from the official FINRA numbers from April 30th which...
[quote] quote: Looks like GME is officially done now. Down over 16% after hours right now and dropping like a rock. This thing might open up in the low 20's. This afternoon; quote: I see a close of $43 and an after hours run up to $59-61. Lot of momentum right now after rising from the as...
Playing it all out until the Statute of Limitations expires or his father pardon's him....
Looks like GME is officially done now. Down over 16% after hours right now and dropping like a rock. This thing might open up in the low 20's. ...
[quote] Just halted again as it was approaching $39 dollars. I'm firm in my belief it will close in the low 40s and then sky rocket after hours again tonight.[/quote] I see a close of $43 and an after hours run up to $59-61. Lot of momentum right now after rising from the ashes today. ...
Just halted again as it was approaching $39 dollars. I'm firm in my belief it will close in the low 40s and then sky rocket after hours again tonight....
It is a bit ridiculous that the second GME starts going on a run its halted, but they aren't halting it when shares are being sold. Every 15 mins this has been taking place. ...
I suspect this will fall back to the mid-30s and then rise back up this afternoon in another volatile day of trading GME....
Robinhood trading is down for “maintenance” but real reason GME is down is due to AMC....
[embed]https://x.com/stclairashley/status/1790503857530802616[/embed] ...
[embed]https://x.com/unusual_whales/status/1790585897974673451[/embed] GME shares are now starting to skyrocket. Currently climbing at $65 a share. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNl69GtXYAE4MHf?format=jpg&name=large[/img]...
[link=(https://robinhood.com/us/en/stocks/GME/)]GME overnight trading on Robin Hood[/link] Currently $61 at 11:11 PM CST...
[embed]https://x.com/Malone_Wealth/status/1790556269126066229[/embed] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNlDo-MaEAAg-YF?format=jpg&name=medium[/img]...
Load up Jim Cramer just said to sell GME! [embed]https://x.com/roaringpika/status/1641168866008084481?s=46&t=PPDKnQMmv96R1OkE7yPAnA[/embed] [img]https://x.com/roaringpika/status/1641168866008084481?s=46&t=PPDKnQMmv96R1OkE7yPAnA[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNk5pf8W0AEVZ7S?forma...
I put an extended after hours sell price of $100 so when the first wave hits I can cash out and then buy back on the dip. Today's volume was 208 million...