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Biography:Sports fan - college sports and college baseball mostly
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Registered on:10/27/2006
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[quote]Falstaff[/quote] Dizzy Dean and PeeWee Reece. :cheers:...
[quote] caused by climate change after the state suffered catastrophic summer flooding [/quote] That's odd. We had a catastrophic drought. However, we called it weather. How exactly does climate change produce both flooding and a drought? ...
[quote] It makes sense to grow some of your own food if possible. Baws who can hunt, fish, and grow a garden will always be able to eat regardless of what happens in the supply chain.[/quote] <------------...
[quote] What's with his voice?[/quote] Probably spasmodic dysphonia. ...
[quote]There is no logical connection to create that hypocrisy. That's the problem.[/quote] Sure there is. Allegedly, Trump did it due to election. Why would Congress do it other than to not interfere with someone’s reelection possibilities. Deep dive on Trump let’s deep dive on the other elections....

re: I'm out. Going to take a break.

Posted by Diamondawg on 5/31/24 at 2:23 pm
[quote]Are you ready to go to jail for voting for Trump?[/quote] I've enjoyed a good long life. I won't go out and do something stupid but I'm not hiding in my room either. ...
[quote]Libs are taking out our food supply now.[/quote] They would not start at a free range facility. If they eat eggs, those would be the ones they eat....
[quote] Y'all keep acting like the judge and jury went out of their way to be a part of this trial. Both are selected randomly.[/quote] "Randomly" selected to serve over at 3 cases related to Trump? Plus, he's an acting judge for that particular court. ...
[quote]yet they are still telling you it's raining[/quote] That's because they are peeing down your leg. ...
I was a Raging Bull fan too. Too bad he turned out like this. I like it (the painting). ...

re: Democrat's Secret Weapon

Posted by Diamondawg on 5/30/24 at 1:15 pm
[quote]That was a warm up for Taylor Swift doing the exact same shite to all of her Swifty fans. [/quote] My granddaughter can't vote. But, Swift fans don't vote or don't vote for Trump. Never were. ...

re: The underlying crime.

Posted by Diamondawg on 5/30/24 at 7:30 am
[quote] I'm in court at least 1 morning pretty much every week.[/quote] [link=(https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.Th-Z_3cKic5Y4fQs6DY4ywHaDt%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=e455b0c672faabc8c4d9e87db192fa6c82b0369e7ce15c7f591668e31163b92f&ipo=images)]Nigh...

re: Possible End Times Senario

Posted by Diamondawg on 5/30/24 at 6:47 am
[quote]What if I told you...that most of the end times prophecies we obsess over...happened almost 2000 years ago and that we are in a completely different point of Biblical timeline than weve assumed[/quote] Then I would call you a Preterist. Do you believe in the Rapture?...

re: Possible End Times Senario

Posted by Diamondawg on 5/30/24 at 6:47 am
[quote]What if I told you...that most of the end times prophecies we obsess over...happened almost 2000 years ago and that we are in a completely different point of Biblical timeline than weve assumed[/quote] Then I would call you a Preterist. Do you believe in the Rapture?...

re: Possible End Times Senario

Posted by Diamondawg on 5/30/24 at 6:35 am
[quote] but Armageddon would solve all of my problems[/quote] Depends on whether you are pre-trib or post-trib. Post trib no fun....

re: Possible End Times Senario

Posted by Diamondawg on 5/30/24 at 6:28 am
[quote]RiverCityTider[/quote] Mushrooms in the middle of the week is not a good idea. Do not have a job? Or do you take Ambien? Geez! ...

re: The underlying crime.

Posted by Diamondawg on 5/30/24 at 6:22 am
[quote]the inept defense should have had an expert on election law testify.[/quote] Uhhh, "Hence, why Merchan barred the defense's federal election law expert"...