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What does he charge to give a woman a good beating these days?...

re: Rate away, Olivia Casta…

Posted by secfballfan on 6/13/24 at 1:48 pm
[i]You going to help her put her training bra on?[/i] you see the pics- that event happened under Obama..term 1...
Mahtook podcast a must listen for awhile.....
[link=(https://www.wbrz.com/news/six-people-arrested-for-hogwash-entries-into-hog-hunting-contest)]LINK[/link] They ALL post here.[b].Hunting contest fraud brings up to a $3,000 fine and one year in jail. [/b] [i]SALINE - Six hunters were arrested for allegedly catching hogs in Texas and using ...
The one piece girl.....god bless you...

re: Jace Boyd sentenced to 18 months

Posted by secfballfan on 6/11/24 at 4:29 pm
[i]A good reminder never to intervene. People - especially emotional women - will turn on you in a moment’s notice. Let em learn the hard way.[/i] THIS! Those liberal women will ALWAYS side with their view of the "oppressed" I would bet a years' salary neither has a child or a dog- cat crazy li...
IMHO 10 in lower bowl together is tough- very unlikely 1 person has these so $781 seems fair to me....

re: Jace Boyd sentenced to 18 months

Posted by secfballfan on 6/11/24 at 3:27 pm
That bum was a loud and obnoxious threat- had to scream him away several times. FAFO...BTW Trader Joes or center owner should have had him trespassed LONG before this....
Saw him in LA last month- the man is BACK! Highly recommend......
In their defense they are aspiring Firemen...
Kansas won the Womens??????...
[i]They were still hot and setting the stage on fire 20 years after they first got popular.[/i] ISWYDT...
TAF offers single game suites each year based on priority point ranking if you can find someone with a high ranking to put in for you. But expect to pay about $15,000-$16,000 is that in your budget? If so :bow:...
[link=(https://www.wbrz.com/news/officers-searching-for-men-touting-gator-around-french-quarter)]LINK[/link] Like NOPD has nothing better to do in the Quarter. [i]NEW ORLEANS - Have you seen this gator? Officers are searching for men carrying a three-foot reptile around like a pet. The New...
you missed the part where it says "falls within the normal range." At least 1.4% of ANY type of business is always in trouble. TBH 98.6 NOT being in trouble seems high...

re: Matt McMahon Interactions?

Posted by secfballfan on 6/4/24 at 9:48 am
Have run into him several times he has always been very nice, even took a pic with him daughters once. East TN guy, down to earth and nice....