Favorite team:LSU 
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Registered on:1/4/2016
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re: Name for the game today

Posted by Scotcho Libre on 5/25/24 at 9:48 pm
The Balk-n-Bash Game...
[quote]Is number in parentheses the total snaps played?[/quote] Yes...
Here is my observation-based Depth Chart. • DEf and DEb indicate "field" and "boundary" respectively. • DTL and DTR indicate "Left" and "Right" respectively. • Incoming players start at the bottom of their position groups. [b]PREDICTIONS[/b] • Now that LSU has 8 scholarship DTs, I suspect [...

re: Ryan Robinson Jr. to Portal

Posted by Scotcho Libre on 4/17/24 at 12:54 pm
Ryan Robinson was a 3-star CB that surprised people by walking on at LSU, rather than taking a scholarship at a school like Oklahoma State. I believe we saw him taking some reps as the #3 FS alongside Austin Ausberry in the Spring Game. But with Matthew Langlois set to return from injury and Joel Ro...

re: Khai Prean to Portal

Posted by Scotcho Libre on 4/17/24 at 11:06 am
Well what should we expect? CBK kept on repeating, "We have 7 guys" who can play at WR, and specifying that Shelton Sampson is one of those 7. Plus, Prean got moved to CB for the bowl game and then moved by to WR for the Spring. I don't blame him for entering the portal, and I expect that the next t...
[img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExdXBwb3c4ZW16enN3Y2N2eDY5ZXFobm85bWQ2bTVxMXI5YnA0cHp0ZCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/EkuJTb85CbjYK49ChM/giphy-downsized-large.gif[/img] The Good: • Great Blocking by all 5 Offensive Linemen: Nimble, Agile, Precise. The Bad: • ...
He was the 4th string JACK (WDE) last season. Ovie Oghoufo graduated, Bradyn Swinson has become the starter, Dashawn Womack has become the next man up, and Jaxon Howard has transferred out. He might have become the #3 WDE, but we have seen Kolaj Cobbins there instead. So far this season DC has be...

Corners (+), Safeties (-)

Posted by Scotcho Libre on 4/13/24 at 2:45 pm
The corners looked good in the Spring Game, but the Safeties looked as bad as last year. ...
Safeties look terrible against both run and pass....
Jake Olsen better get it figured out....
Get it out of there. It's just one more opportunity to get tackled. Also... feel free to catch the football when it's perfectly placed in your hands....
He’s not moving to DT. The SDE position—as was mentioned in the announcement—will play a 4i technique, which is within the B-gap. But this is not the same as a 3-tech DT or a 0-shade NT. ...
Video from today’s practice shows the redshirt freshman running with the ones at the Field-WR spot (where Brian Thomas played last year). Get used to saying this young man’s name. ...
[b]This Depth Chart reflects my observations of the videos released earlier today from Spring practice. [/b] • Other than the order of some of the walk-ons, it is not conjecture. • Special Teams were not recorded. • Players with a strikethrough were not observed in the videos. [b]Offense (3-D...
[quote]Also, take a look at Blake’s defense depth chart at Missouri to get an idea on what they call everything.[/quote] I just added the Mizzou Depth Chart from their bowl game....
Here is a look at how the Depth Chart could start out tomorrow for the first day of Spring Practice. [img]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53569874943_9d08f148df_k.jpg[/img] [b]Here are the questions I have on Offense:[/b] • Will the TE room take on a greater responsibility this season? • W...
Possibly Paul Mubenga and Tyree Adams. [img]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53470969174_6eb5b204ef_k.jpg[/img]...
Moving players from one side of the ball to the other 1) sets them back in their progressions at their normal positions, 2) communicates to them that they are at the back of the line at their normal positions, and 3) encourages them to look elsewhere in the transfer portal. ...
[quote]solution 3-3-5[/quote] LSU has been running a form of this defense on occasion for the last two years (DT/NT/DE - JACK/MIKE/WILL). But they went with the 3-4-4 to keep HP4 on the field at SAM....