Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:9193
Registered on:11/28/2015
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It's been a long time since Ed left, so I can't remember right off the top of my head so I will ask. How many times did he beat UGA? ...
[quote]obvious they’re milking the death of their children for money[/quote] Lawyers tend to do that. ...
Honest question as a manager..... Who would hire that knowing the history? I would never personally. ...
1. Unfriend her on all social media 2. Stop talking about her 3. Find someone else to go out with Doing anything else is wasting precious days of your life ...
I am not wasting 2 hours of my life watching that nonsense. I am pretty much an anarchist but some of y'all are completely crazy with what you buy into ...
Having money doesn't equate to having sense. ...

re: Why is the customer always right?

Posted by Beessnax on 5/28/24 at 11:54 am
So they should turn away 7 orders just so your entitled arse just doesn't have to wait to place your one order? I would have given the 7 x order person some free chips, drinks or something just for bringing that much business at one time....hoping they would come back tomorrow. And not give a damn...

re: Good Guy Napier Made a Dumb Choice

Posted by Beessnax on 5/27/24 at 5:28 pm
And some of our dumbass fans thought that we should have hired him at LSU. ...

re: “Kyle Rittenhouse shot me”

Posted by Beessnax on 5/26/24 at 9:50 pm
There is no way that stupid son of a bitch wrote that speech. ...
I would love to know just WTF they thought was going to happen? Like did they have support there and got sold out? ...
Doctors are, for the most part, narcissistic pricks. ...
I don't understand why it is taking so long for people to recognize that all of it is nothing but symbolic pandering. Look at Pelosi and company kneeling during the BLM protests. Pelosi doesn't give a damn about black people. She has become insanely rich by engaging in insider trading with the...
[quote]Back in the day this would have been over in 2 min.[/quote] I miss the good old days of police shooting videos. ...

re: Most dangerous Target in America

Posted by Beessnax on 5/21/24 at 8:17 pm
So who wants to add that much time to shopping there? Can you imagine how long it would take for their DEI hires to unlock the case for every single item that you need? ...
Can someone down here make a straight street with normal intersections? How is that so hard to do? It's a 90° turn. ...
1. Buy used 2. Drive forever I try to get 10 years out of mine ...
They have to be getting something sexual out of that. Maybe it's the closest thing to sex that they are getting ...
They should immediately do a toxicology report and release the findings in every police shooting. ...

re: Cool video of AU Bass Fishing Team

Posted by Beessnax on 5/18/24 at 8:04 am
[quote] What's next...collegic hula hooping? [/quote] Who cares if it keeps these kids focused on the goal of getting their education. ...