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re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by Paddyshack on 5/31/24 at 9:10 am
[quote]Thomas Massie.[/quote] Might as well flush your ballot down the toilet And I like Massie...

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by Paddyshack on 5/31/24 at 9:07 am
[quote]Who are you voting for?[/quote] Gary Johnson again :lol: Proud member of the Libertarian party ...

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by Paddyshack on 5/31/24 at 9:03 am
[quote]Trump. Was this the answer you were expecting? Did I ruin your "gotcha" moment, pussy?[/quote] Good. So all of your bitching and moaning is pointless. Keep screaming at the sky and cast that Trump ballot in November ...

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by Paddyshack on 5/31/24 at 8:57 am
[quote]charmin-level soft.[/quote] [quote]pankReb[/quote] Who are you voting for, snowflake? ...
[quote]I'm not confused. You asked a bad question. I understand exactly what you're asking, but it's still a bad question. [/quote] This isn’t a courtroom, you squirmy dweeb. Just more deflection from the “moderate” legal scholar....
[quote]Anyone with a reasonable level of intelligence would point out the qualifiers and not answer. Ask better questions[/quote] Anyone with a reasonable level of intelligence can navigate a basic question without getting confused. Anyone with a room temperature IQ knows this entire trial was a ...
[quote]You had a lot of qualifiers in there[/quote] It’s a yes or no question. And it should be a straightforward answer for an astute scholar such as yourself. ...
[quote]Naw. I've been against the overcome organization of the United States for a long time and didn't start believing it because Trump or January 6 people got arrested for criminal allegations.[/quote] Oh ok. So you agree this was an unprecedented show trial against President Trump, with absolute...
[quote]SlowFlowPro[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/d8wg6_lZrKkAAAAM/elon-musk.gif[/img]...
[quote]I couldn't imagine being so brainwashed that I accuse everyone who disagrees with me of being part of a government conspiracy. I just feel sorry for you. It must be hell living in your head.[/quote] You didn't "disagree" with anyone. You made a stupid post. You voting for Sleepy In Nov...
[quote]SFP will be here shortly.[/quote] I'll be waiting so i can tell him to frick off...
I don’t even know where to begin - the judge donated to Biden and is an avid Biden democrat - the DA ran his campaign on “get Trump” - the DA decided previously not bring this case forward and then after pressure from the White House, reversed course - the trial took place in one of the bluest...
I’m ashamed that we allowed them to steal an election and now we are allowing lawfare to attack leading political opponents on fake charges that no one can name, yes. ...
[quote]hawkeye007[/quote] Get this man fitted for a coat. ...
[quote]Google it[/quote] I don’t use google, commie. Just post it if it’s that easy. ...
[quote]Even the crooked judge said many of the counts were redundant or duplicates.[/quote] Right. But what are they? ...
[quote]They took a bunch of identical monthly invoices over the course of a couple of years to increase the number of counts. Complete joke[/quote] Right. But what are the actual felony charges? ...
Still haven’t seen it anywhere. Felonious mopery? Tweeting meanly? Felonious application of too much make up? ...
[quote] Any fantasy that Trump will see the inside of the White House again needs to be surrendered now.[/quote] Who is going to stop him? The Party of Democracy? You? ...

re: I hate our country

Posted by Paddyshack on 5/30/24 at 4:21 pm
The fact that you have so many millions of NPC lunatics cheering this on with zero understanding of what it means is what is alarming to me. Like SFP. ...