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Registered on:6/5/2015
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re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by The Shaqtus on 5/31/24 at 11:57 am
[quote]I figured this game would have 2022 Kennesaw St vibes[/quote] I'm down...
Come on dowwwnnn! You're the next contestant on: "Unconstitutional Legislation Addressing Complete Nonissues"...
[quote]Interesting hill is right. When you use facts, logic, and common sense, and you go against the popular narrative, you expect the incoming vitriol from uninformed sheep. Oh, and Trump is guilty. China virus was from a wet market. Hunter’s laptop is Russian propaganda. Biden owns four Delawa...
[quote]The reason he retired is Paterno told him he would never succeed him as head coach. Access to Penn State athletic facilities were granted by administration, not Paterno. Fact.[/quote] Either Joe Pa: 1. Knew and didn't do anything about it, or 2. Was so far removed from running his pr...
[quote]I aint no babyback bitch[/quote] [quote]I happened to be house sitting for family friend that night by myself and forgot a gun so I was already slightly on edge[/quote] You sure about that?...
Not a single person would give a shite about a baseball NIT. The majority of college sports fans don't even care about the actual baseball tournament...
[quote]Sandusky retired from Penn State well before he was accused of sexual misconduct with minors. Look it up.[/quote] He was also raping young boys at Penn State after he was retired. Dude still had an office and everything...
[quote]Tell me again Einstein with specificity what Joe Paterno did. I’m waiting.[/quote] I believe it's more of what he didn't do. Like getting rid of a known pedophile on his coaching staff...
[quote]So in your opinion, it wasnt bravery, and it wasnt cowardice. It was just a sad situation we should all feel bad about and give our sympathies to all involved, even the deceased.[/quote] Yea pretty much. It's not some crazy hot take :lol:...
[quote]Like I said, Coping mechanism to differing opinions Ok, quick question. Yes or no. Was Grayson killing himself an act of bravery?[/quote] No. Was it an act of cowardice? Also no Not everything exists on a binary scale...
[quote]Who said they are? Crazy how you fricks just make up a scenario in your head to cope with a differing opinion[/quote] Cope? Trust me you're not hurting my feelings. Just some discourse. Still doesn't change the fact that your stance is completely retarded...
[quote]You really cant. why? Because you know absolutely nothing of my life, my experiences or those in my life that have attempted suicide.[/quote] If they're cowards, why are they in your life? Sounds like you keep bad company...
[quote]Sympathies for the family, none for Grayson. Cowards way out[/quote] You can always tell which people haven't dealt with a close family member or friend with severe depression when people make comments like this...

re: Who gets All-Tourney Catcher?

Posted by The Shaqtus on 5/24/24 at 4:54 pm
[quote]I say the winner goes to the player whose team goes farther.[/quote] They have a separate award for that. It's called the SEC tournament championship...

re: Snap back to reality

Posted by The Shaqtus on 5/23/24 at 6:27 pm
Oh! There goes gravity!...

re: Snap back to reality

Posted by The Shaqtus on 5/23/24 at 6:16 pm
[quote]Oh there goes gravity![/quote] This was probably way funnier in your head...

re: wow good job

Posted by The Shaqtus on 5/23/24 at 6:10 pm
Riveting thread...

re: MBB Portal Targets List

Posted by The Shaqtus on 5/23/24 at 11:39 am
[quote]Wonder if David Patrick has an Aussie in his back pocket[/quote] Darcy Malone TYFYS...
[quote]shite I’ll be glad when mine does. I completely lost interest once she gained weight. She worries me about sex all the time and I’m just not interested. I think she wants me to want to just so she can tell herself I’m still interested. I’m not.[/quote] Honestly, this is pretty sad...