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Location:Vestavia, AL
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Registered on:12/30/2014
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Reddit is loving this...stating this is the Appellate bench who will hear arguments. Doesn't matter. I'm convicted as well. In fact, more convicted... in supporting Donald Trump. [img]https://i.redd.it/d1ylaoty2r3d1.jpeg width=9000[/img]...
[img][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ob0D16z.png[/img][/img] [link=(https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/30/biden-black-voters-00160520)]politico.com[/link] [quote]Those concerns could prove especially critical in the battleground states of Georgia, where Black people make up about 32 percent of the...
[quote]Migrants my arse. Call them what they are you sack of shite, illegal invaders. [/quote] Yeah, I wish it were $5 Billion. It's what they vote for. Something needs to break and fast....
It would be funny to find out one day the reason some people like De Niro are told to dance is because of pressure applied from some higher power, aka. Soroa....
[quote]Guess it was okay in the past, but now that she has a guilt trip, it’s suddenly wrong[/quote] Guilt trip or the thought of a trip to the guillotine knowing the tide is turning on the freaks....
Guys missing the bigger picture here.... [embed]https://twitter.com/BreannaMorello/status/1795803465257492572[/embed] [img]https://assets.change.org/photos/7/kw/my/CFKwmYozqZwRDEZ-400x400-noPad.jpg?1550169365[/img]...
[quote]The Democrats are in a no win situation[/quote][quote]thats why the always cheat[/quote] Like a cornered animal - is when I worry the most....
Good thing they aren't in a national park... some tranny-ranger would try to tell them what to do....
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/FshpWKfT/Projection.gif[/img][quote]Wait till you see the mental gymnastics employed in the 76 days between Election and Inauguration Days to justify why they can't/won't leave DC when OMB is overwhelmingly and publicly returned to the WH. [/quote] Great post... took th...
Absolutely... pretty certain it is made in China....
[img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.npr.org%2Fassets%2Fnews%2F2009%2F09%2F14%2Ftillman_vertical-d0d237a97fb4769c3f816d2404b4b44e3ff6ee81-s800.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=bd27c1d4b4535c8fe522bb7d4279139998ae00d1bd74b370ed36de8ff89ef7d9&ipo=images' width=330 [/img] [img]h...

re: Biden is all in on the pandering

Posted by captainFid on 5/25/24 at 2:27 pm
[quote]Biden is all in on the pandering[/quote] Listen, I appreciate the thread but I wish everyone would get this straight... Joe Biden can't write anything, can't tweet anything... and nothing like this post was even run past Joe Biden for approval because, he would ask 'Is that Corn-Pop?' B...
[quote]He earned it. [/quote]Don Sipley has confirmed. ...
[quote]Abortion Dr leaves congress speechless[/quote]They aren't the only ones upon hearing that description. This will be mandatory for my 20 year old daughter to watch later today. I seriously wonder if liberals can cry at atrocities such as this....

re: Notice no Antifa or BLM at rally

Posted by captainFid on 5/25/24 at 8:31 am
[quote] I honestly haven’t seen BLM since the election ended Wonder why[/quote]Same reason, short of Cal -- no calls, cries and discussions for reparations, certainly not at the Fed level. That will be when you know Trump has won. The DNC, leading the party of distractions....
[quote]That was mild for a New Yorker. [/quote] LoL especially since it was directed to Mika....

re: Biden, you ain’t black

Posted by captainFid on 5/24/24 at 9:13 am
This is a great image... and I hope something the Republicans can capitalize on. Trump did a great job last night, but the messages from the crowd were even better. Also, best job I've seen from Fox News in 4 years... I didn't check the other feeds, they probably went dark, or talked about hi...

re: Bill Maher on The View

Posted by captainFid on 5/22/24 at 6:39 am
[quote]Usually I have a pretty high Bill Maher tolerance level and sometimes he is right on the money but I tried to listen to Megan Kelly's podcast that he was on and I had to bail within five minutes. He was TDS squared and was basically calling Kelly a stupid count because she told him she was vo...
[quote]Must be a good cash back program with that Race card she uses so often. [/quote] Now we know how she keeps 10's of thousands around the house, like taught to her by her former Black Pather father... because... being black. It just keeps writing itself with fat-fani...

re: Top Gun 3?

Posted by captainFid on 5/21/24 at 12:04 pm
A little Jet Wash would come in handy......