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Registered on:10/25/2014
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[quote]Direct appeal from a state court trial court? Unlikely if not impossible. Remember, skipping the proper appeals court path was already determined to be lawfare, also. Wouldn't want to become hypocrites.[/quote] At this point it doesn't matter, lawfare has destroyed the judiciary, time t...
[quote]Too much truth... Can Americans handle the truth?[/quote] America First/MAGA can handle the truth and they are the most politically and economically informed segment of American society. Of course Youtube has their Covid19 info warning on this interview, can't be spreading misinformation. ...
I'm 12 minutes in and what's very interesting is the way Russia has been treated by the US Government from the early 90's through the early 2000's is comparable to how the American people have been treated by the US government the past 60 years.....basically lying to both Russia and the American pe...

re: Cuba today

Posted by Bass Tiger on 5/28/24 at 7:28 pm
[quote]Was Cuba ever a vacation resort? My Canadian friends have always raved about Cuba[/quote] Canadian friends = Commie friends...... :rotflmao: :bow:...
[quote]Smart call. It killed my father-in-law. Died 1 week after 2nd shot, with blood clots through-out his organs. The idiots here claiming it was safe, should really apologize for their complete stupidity.[/quote] Had a few family members with certifiable side effects from the MRNA Juice. O...
[quote]If I’d listened to the “doctor” on this board who insisted I should get the vax despite my Pai-3 issues, I’d probably be dead.[/quote] We were told to follow the science and some career Bureaucratic State Skunk named Fauci said he was "science". Americans with a modicum of skepticism and ...
Oh boy, the Dims/Groomers/cultural Marxists /DC Globalists/Libertarians are gonna be pissed off. :usa:...
The prosecution is performing their version of a Jedi mind frick on the jury that's really not needed. It's crazy to think the prosecution is concerned their handpicked jury isn't going to convict Trump on a manufactured felony. :lol:...
[quote]It's Ok, I think he meant Lincoln. If so then he (and you) would still be wrong. President Andrew Johnson pardoned all civil war Confederate soldiers on Christmas Day, 1868, more than three years after Lincoln died.[/quote] Cool stuff, I just know there are more people in prison from t...
[quote]all confederate soldiers were granted a full pardon by president Jackson. History major?? Andrew Jackson died 16 years before the Civil War started. [/quote] It's Ok, I think he meant Lincoln....

re: I'm turning in my Trump coat

Posted by Bass Tiger on 5/28/24 at 6:39 pm
[quote]I need a new one[/quote] I prefer this style top coat and the side piece is nice too. [img]https://media.allure.com/photos/5882295dc63aa08f38dee5e7/16:9/w_2240,c_limit/GettyImages-632123168.jpg[/img]...
[quote] DeNiro looks like a real dumbass wearing that mask. Frigging moron.[/quote] The mask is an indication of either someone being totally mind fricked from Covid-19 hysteria or someone is going to commit a criminal act....

re: Actor Dennis Quaid gets his COAT

Posted by Bass Tiger on 5/28/24 at 6:29 pm
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOsy-hqWUAAaLpo?format=jpg&name=900x900[/img] Hey, better late than never. There's a few never Trumpers on this forum who should take note....

re: Actor Dennis Quaid gets his COAT

Posted by Bass Tiger on 5/28/24 at 6:25 pm
[quote]Robert DeNiro on the other hand is just a friggin idiot.[b] “Trump wants to destroy America” [/b]while his party continuously tries to rewrite history and tear down city centers every time a black guy tries to stab a cop and gets blown away because of it.[/quote] The fact this brain dead w...

re: Actor Dennis Quaid gets his COAT

Posted by Bass Tiger on 5/28/24 at 6:23 pm
Quaid gets a coat and Bobby "Raging Fool" DeNiro needs a dose of Lithium to control his long haul TDS....
[quote]No. Just because Confederates were pardoned doesn't mean we honor them. They were traitors who fought against and killed U.S. military personnel, and that's what they should be remembered for. It's only half time m***er f***er. I hate a fricking suckeye.[/quote] Yes, but we thank h...
[quote]So, just to be clear, America First/MAGA is a movement based in expanding government in our lives, correct?[/quote] The vast majority of America First/MAGA patriots I know and hang with want the Federal Government reduced by 50% over a 5-10 period, basically neutered, and political power r...
[quote]No surprise. Libertarians are just 'do as thou wilt' degenerates anyway.[/quote] Libertarians are interchangeable with today's Progressives on many issues. 1) Open Borders 2) Unrestricted free trade 3) eliminate common sense laws, like traffic laws, laws that criminalize adults havin...

re: They get me every memorial day

Posted by Bass Tiger on 5/28/24 at 10:20 am
[quote]quote:got our asses kicked This is a bit much. The MIC wanted to drag that shite out as long as possible. Especially Lady Bird Johnson. They had massive holdings in Bell helicopters which is how you got Hueys and OH-58s as the models of choice in the first helicopter war. The NVA and VC ...
[quote]Nuclear war, or even the use of one thermonuclear weapon the size of which Russia possesses, would be globally devastating. It would change the world as we know it. Putin’s thinly-veiled nuclear threat to impose “consequences beyond what has been seen in warfare in the past” if we supported...