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Registered on:4/10/2006
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Did anyone else click on this thread wondering how someone could dine and dash on an airplane? ...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by blueboy on 5/31/24 at 7:59 pm
[quote]guy who molested his daughter Ah yes the story that didn’t happen[/quote]Confirmed by the FBI [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fr7I7S9akAES1Vf?format=jpg&name=medium[/img]...

re: I'm out. Going to take a break.

Posted by blueboy on 5/31/24 at 1:53 pm
[quote]Maybe they trigger some sort of nuclear exchange in Europe.[/quote]No, that's the islamists when they get control of a nuclear country like Britain. [quote]I just don't see the upside in publicly airing one's frustrations anymore. I think it will simply land you on a list somewhere. [/quote]...
No, the people who unironically created safe spaces, trigger warnings and lose their shite whenever someone contradicts them in any way - are definitely still the snowflakes. ...
[quote]Y'all are going to downvote any post that gives this show a chance, that's plainly a given [/quote]I gave it a chance last year. Whatever it is going forward is built on that stupidity and by the same people. [quote]I'm also a huge Tolkien fan, that wants it to turn around and succeed[/qu...
[quote] but will spend hours reading articles and watching videos about it. [/quote]It took me a total of about 50 seconds to read and post this article. ...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by blueboy on 5/29/24 at 5:11 pm
[quote]Statistically speaking, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles don't make the top ten for violent crimes per capita in the US. [/quote]Because of sheer population, but Chicago is still violent enough to be #17. That's staggering. [quote]Los Angeles[/quote]Disingenuous, seeing as how a subu...
[quote]Handouts[/quote]Bingo. They started doing this in the early 60's, people started flooding in and within 10 years, the cities had all become cesspools. ...
[quote]“Do you consider yourself more holy than Mother Theresa?”[/quote]We all are. She was not nice. ...
[quote]I read the article, and it doesn't seem bad at all. I don't see the fuss, unless it's just to complain for the sake of complaining. [/quote][quote]Scoob[/quote] :lol:...
[quote]If I really had to guess id say Bombadil is a manifestation of Iluvatar(Tolkien) [/quote]Bombadil is a character that Tolkien created for his son long before he wrote LOTR. The forest he lives in is basically the same world he existed in from Tolkien's earlier writings. I kind of feel like...
[quote]Well they nailed the look. [/quote]He looks like Gandalf would have looked if LOTR was a 90's TV show on Fox. ...
If they want to see Trump get an unprecedented percentage of the black vote, by all means, slap cuffs on him and haul him off to jail. [quote]Damage: Biden gets what he wanted- being able to campaign against a convicted “felon and / or criminal. Can you really vote for a convicted criminal?” En...
yay[quote]biggest surprise in decades of Middle-earth lore. Instead, the fine folks over at Vanity Fair were given an exclusive first look at the burning question at the forefront of all our minds: Will the bizarre character known as Tom Bombadil, whose boots are yellow and is famously a merry fello...
'see, I'm just moving my hands.' :lol: No she isn't. And she probably didn't have to wear that super tight sweater either. Guess it was just the first clean shirt she saw in her drawer, huh? She's fishing for simps, dude....

re: Jackson, MS has fallen

Posted by blueboy on 5/29/24 at 10:11 am
[quote]and that of its homicide rate reduction, which is trending downwards for two years now.[/quote]No, your own article says the 'rate of killings still ranks highest in nation.' It's in the headline. And what kind of psycho bullshite defense is it to say 'well, it's always been this way.' OP...
[quote]One big example…basically everything you believe about Yugoslavia’s demise is bullshite.[/quote]Can you expand on this? I've never investigated it....