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[quote]Studios are clearly spending as little as possible on the people cutting them and it really shows w/how piss poor most ad campaigns have been as of late.[/quote] They have to stop showing us the whole movie. Some of these 3+ minute trailers leave no reason to go see the movie. ...
[quote]It will be on Max in 2 weeks.[/quote] It will go to the $19.99 rentals on the apps for a few weeks but it will be free on Max by the end of July for sure. ...
[quote]Not that this is a believable movie in general, but 100lb soaking wet Anya Taylor Joy as the bad arse lead didn't help imo.[/quote] She plays third fiddle behind Hemsworth and Tom Burke. ...
[quote]If you want to make money with a Mad Max movie just put Mel Gibson in it and make it about, ya know Mad Max.[/quote] Miller and Gibson mutually agreed before Fury Road that he was too old to do the stunts. Gibson probably has PTSD flashbacks from filming Road Warrior. I would love an old m...
[quote]Which was a really good movie. The fact that that movie didn’t set records is kind of baffling.[/quote] It was a great movie, but it’s not surprising at all. Even Fury Road was a box office loser and its opening weekend was $10 million lower than this Bad Boys. Mad Max has no appeal outsid...
[quote]how much is domestic vs international?[/quote] Domestic is $56 million. Fifth place for domestic opening weekends behind: Dune 2 $82m Godzilla vs Kong $80m Kingdom of POTA $58.5m Kung Fu Panda $57.9m Bad Boys $56m [quote]The new picture scored well with audiences, with a 97% Rott...
[quote]The Sixth Sense and other similar movies in which there is a major reveal at the end of the movie.[/quote] I have to disagree. These are the best movies to rewatch. Watching movies like The Prestige and Sixth Sense and while knowing the twists are like watching different movies. I understa...

re: Sub $500 espresso machine....

Posted by Esquire on 6/9/24 at 4:03 pm
I bought the Turin Legato based on recommendations from this board and a lot of YouTubes. My YouTube recommendations are all coffee videos now. It’s $499 but you’ll need a few accessories that will put you a little over budget ($50-100 more). I’m a complete novice and my last setup was just a moka p...
Walk Hard. Insanely quotable. Excellent soundtrack. Hilarious from start to finish. Just doesn’t make the top 5. [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/4528f23f28d029f4ac33267032dfe31f/tumblr_ol9md2XGW01s2jfn0o3_500.gif[/img][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1u2f1u8VP1qcu5eho2_250.gif[/img][img...
Can Team Green make their own thread? I don’t want any of those feet freaks posting with us ...
[quote][b]Max series Tokyo Vice has ended after two seasons.[/b] The news was revealed today during a Produced By panel at the Fox Studios with participants Max Head of Original Content, Sarah Aubrey, Tokyo Vice creator J.T. Rogers and EP/director Alan Poul. Said a Max spokesperson in a statemen...
[quote]Another group is the Japanese Jidaigeki Western films. The master being of course Kurosawa. Seven Samurai[/quote] Coincidentally, they are releasing the 4K remaster of the film in theaters to celebrate its 70th anniversary. The wide release is July 12, but it may only be in a few select ci...
I assumed it would be a bunch of negative reviews from women, but the ones with pictures look like a bunch of 70+ old men. You would figure it would remind them of their childhood. ...
I read Foundation and enjoy the show, but they are two different stories and that may be a problem for some. It’s not a situation like The Witcher and Ring of Power where the writers thought they could tell a better story. Asimov just wrote a ridiculously difficult story to translate to screen becau...

re: My Star Wars Prediction

Posted by Esquire on 6/7/24 at 8:03 pm
[quote]Star Wars is a lot trickier: they spent $2B on it between WDW and Disneyland, and it's something you just can't easily re-theme[/quote] Those $300 lightsabers at Star Wars World make up for whatever they lose on the tv shows ...
[quote]No one ever recommends Station Eleven [/quote] You’re absolutely correct. As far as recent HBO/Max limited series, Chernobyl is 1a and Station 11 is 1b for me. Perfect shows from start to finish. ...
[quote] I'm sure 20 years from now HP will be bought and sold and someone will try to make a derivative, but it'll produce similar results to SW if they stray too far... imo[/quote] HBO’s Harry Potter series premieres in 2026. The board is going to love the updates to Hermione. ...
[img]https://resizing.flixster.com/D1Kach1GwHqQ2AXLoPzBKntyXhU=/ems.cHJkLWVtcy1hc3NldHMvdHZzZWFzb24vNDZkODhiOGItY2E5YS00YjM5LThhNjgtYmU2MjVmODY1OGM3LmpwZw==[/img][quote]The crew of a damaged deep space freighter are stranded on a beautiful but dangerous planet.[/quote] It’s on Netflix after they ...

re: The Boys Season 4 Clip

Posted by Esquire on 6/7/24 at 2:37 pm
As long as he doesn’t miss Smash Mouth. ...