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Location:The Pauper of the Surf
Occupation:Physical Therapist
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Registered on:3/31/2006
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1 is far and away the best movie, I don’t think many people would argue that. 3 and 4 are both just fun and awesome dude movies. At the end of the day one is my favorite over the long haul. ...

re: How was “If”?

Posted by St Augustine on 5/31/24 at 11:08 pm
[quote]It was good but not for kids under 14 to get the actual plot[/quote] My 9 year old understood it perfectly :dunno: Thought it was a good little movie. It’s probably not as funny/silly as you would think OP. More of a just a sweet movie. ...
Thing is he won’t have to campaign. Campaigning is all but pointless with the two we have now. Nobody’s minds are getting changed at a big Trump rally in a red state. Trump HAS get on message and stay on message about the law fare and the future of this country. The independents and fence sitter...
[quote]Ya'll think that staged question and smile at the end of his press conference today had something to do with this?[/quote] No. It’s the same lost/dementia look he’s had for years. I don’t think the dude magically doesn’t have dementia now because the left is waging warfare on Trump. Bi...
[quote]Me too, i still think Ron is Deep State when it comes to a National Office Position, but building popularity on the state level.[/quote] Aka I’m talking out of my arse but hedging. ...

re: I'm out. Going to take a break.

Posted by St Augustine on 5/31/24 at 3:55 pm
[quote]this example A of what is wrong with this country. so you have to lose it all before you do something? hang on if dems make this a one party nation it will be here before you know it. what will you do then boy?[/quote] You’re not doing shite either besides calling people who share 90% of ...
There are several sonics in palm beach county. I live 5 mins from one. ...
That wasn’t a wink. That’s his normal Alzheimer’s blinking and shite myself face. ...
[quote]The more Trump can distinguish himself from RFK the better. Trump needs RFK to take Biden voters who regret voting Biden in 2020, and capture the "independents" who don't want to vote Trump and/or will be swayed by the verdict*. More of those two groups to RFK and not Biden is a good thing fo...
[quote]If I were Trump I’d cancel the debate against Joe Biden and cite the fact that he doesn’t debate tyrannical thugs as his reason.[/quote] You’d agree with this, I’d agree with this but anyone with a platform would drag Trump across the coals for being scared, etc and the housewives would ea...
[quote]I thought Orange was scared to debate RFK?[/quote] Jesus dude, can you not even read a paragraph or two? ...

re: I'm out. Going to take a break.

Posted by St Augustine on 5/31/24 at 2:00 pm
[quote]That's what they want you to do - is Quit and give up hope. THEY WIN.[/quote] So posting a bunch of bitching on a message board is somehow better? Because if we’re being honest with ourselves that’s what 99+% of us are doing. Maybe 10% of that 99 with make up some stolen valor bullshite...
Wish I had little enough shite going on in my life that I could care so much about some billion dollar corporation and the people that use it half as much as the OP. ...

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by St Augustine on 5/31/24 at 10:02 am
[quote]He’s right but what does that accomplish other than encourage infighting when we really can’t afford it?[/quote] It’s not enough for some posters that the Desantis fans are 100% behind Trump with this bullshite. They are hardwired to talk shite and bitch. ...
[quote]Why? Enjoy watching rape scenes with your kiddo?[/quote] Pretty fricking weird your mind would immediately go there. ...
So what is gonna give? You’re allowing unfettered immigration from nations who are staunchly opposed to these beliefs with a fairly substantial history of violence. To boot these cultures often aren’t overly willing to assimilate. Yet you’re going to force them to try and do a complete 180 again...
Nice video idea but godamn that song sounds like it came from south park :lol: ...
Imagine getting this worked up over a throwaway comment after a disappointing loss and series. ...
Don’t think it’s embarrassing at all. Actually kinda unique and pretty awesome. Not every game needs to be an SEC sized stadium dick measuring contest. ...

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by St Augustine on 5/30/24 at 9:47 pm
Night night New York! Back to the hockey capital of the world now. :nana: ...