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Registered on:12/22/2003
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re: Drone photography business starter

Posted by tigerpawl on 5/31/24 at 9:32 pm
Shoot at least 60 FPS in D-Cinelike (it will look flat but color correct in PP) Shoot 2K (for optical zooming in PP) Kill the highlights in both video and stills. Use an ND 4 filter for video to slow your shutter speed for a cinematic effect. Use AEB Bracketing for stills (3 exposure is sufficie...
[quote] She said that she would chain herself to Rikers prison if they send Trump there. She also said that Trump is greater that Lincoln (which I agree with) because he will free more slaves than Lincoln did.[/quote]She called out Jack Dorsey and all the rest for throttling information - before...

re: 1400 acres of WI farmland gone

Posted by tigerpawl on 5/31/24 at 4:05 pm
[quote]Doesn't seem to be the best use of the land...[/quote]$1,120,000/year...
He'll still vote D, but I like the optics & timing of this move....
•Diesel fumes mixed with the smell of salt water from a Deep Sea fishing boat. •Jet engine fumes on a cold winter day. •Cigar smoke wafting through Tiger Stadium on a Saturday night in 1965. [quote]-- The voice of Phil Rizzuto calling a Yankee game during lazy summer afternoons[/quote]Gene Elston...

Could this signal a "Return to Virtue"?

Posted by tigerpawl on 5/31/24 at 11:39 am
Yeah, yeah, Democrats - I know - Trump isn't a virtuous person. But he acts with fundamental decency and a nose for doing the right things in the country's best interest despite liberal mindlessness. He has a permanent place in my foxhole. Could this whole episode signal a reset to virtue and ret...

re: What has gotten into Scott Adams?

Posted by tigerpawl on 5/31/24 at 11:25 am
A distant cousin of Drudge. Was too close to the MRI machine....
[quote]Foghorn Leghorn, where you at? Give us a folksy spin on this.[/quote]Just a thought… in the event that Republicans need a replacement for Trump on the ballot, Foghorn Leghorn would be the most collectible person in the country....
[quote]He didn't get any boost yet - These 6 points are pre yesterday -[/quote] Because you say so? Typical Democrat sleight of hand. ...
Big money donors with name recognition need to get with the program!...
I have a Nikon D800 and a D810. I still don't see what the shoutin's about with mirrorless. How does it render better images than a regular DSLR. How does it improve composition and everything else that's involved in capturing good images - especially when it's on a tripod??....
[quote]2. 1/9/2012[/quote][img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/8330269/Crystal_Tossup.gif[/img]...

re: I stand by TRUMP

Posted by tigerpawl on 5/30/24 at 8:14 pm
I stand by whoever is the Republican nominee....

re: Still voting for TRUMP check in

Posted by tigerpawl on 5/30/24 at 8:11 pm
I'm voting for the Republican candidate no matter what in order to keep the Democrat vermin out of office. It never mattered to me who was running, although I still think Trump has the greater skill set to get things done, and in this case, undone and back on track....
would Bragg have still brought charges? The PRIMARY goal of the trial was not to convict Trump, but to keep him off the ballot and deprive the American people - over 80 million of them - of voting for the candidate of their choice. Therein lies the rub....
It's not complicated. The fate of the country and its battle against socialism now boils down to money. Campaign money. Will Big Money donors recognize the urgency and profundity of what just happened?...
[quote]Trump verdict is in...GUILTY[/quote]The River of Cash that will now flow to the Trump campaign will be note-worthy....
[quote]I don’t understand how you can read and believe in the Bible and support this.[/quote][quote]Money[/quote]Satan...
Meanwhile, over at the United Methodist Mother Church Clergy Meeting: [link=(https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Peiimvdis/?igsh=MXF5dDhpN282czU1aA==)]LINK[/link] Those churches that "disaffiliated" from the UMC are looking pretty good about now....
[quote]Honest word about new encouraging poll numbers about black voters for Trump: don't get your hopes up. Once they're inside the booth with the curtain drawn, it will be difficult to deviate from 2 centuries of baked-in tribal custom and actually hit the "TRUMP" button. These origins date back t...