Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
Interests:The finer things
Number of Posts:2647
Registered on:9/3/2013
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You need to speak with an accountant and lawyer. Legal documents can shift tax burdens or provide indemnity coverage. If you’re in the LC area, I can refer you to both. Based on the info, it sounds more like an equity sale which means most of the tax burdens are going to stay with the company on sal...
There is not enough information in this for anyone to give you an accurate opinion and, if someone does, they don’t know what they’re talking about....
Given the intelligence of the general population, I’m not surprised....
I think you’ve gotta give it to Condon with those stats and the program turnaround but Smith had a hell of a season....
[quote]It is weird to be outraged by the first comment, especially before seeing the show[/quote] I’d agree—outrage is a little far. However, I think it’s a very fair observation to note that it is extremely stupid from a publicity standpoint to say this given the historical fanbase and issues th...
I’ve known he lived in LC so I’m sure I know him but have never been able to fully context clue it together. I’ve narrowed it down to 15ish people, but have never cared enough to dive through his post history to nail it down :lol:...
It’s a crazy time we live in when a university, which is supposed to be an ideological mix of many lines of thinking, is breaking the norm by announcing it will not show solidarity with one particular line of thought....

re: SWLA once again forgotten

Posted by Dixie Normus on 5/24/24 at 7:48 am
Governments don’t like to help places that take care of their own business. They like the ones on the teat....
[quote]"Look at the poll in Michigan.... the polling data has been wrong all along." [/quote] I was about to post this :lol: Maybe don’t use a poll to preface a statement undermining polling data, but what do I know....
Average new car price is $47k and our minimum insurance for vehicle/prop damage is $25k. I’d bet half the people with insurance in the state have minimum coverage. Statistically, ~12% of the population is uninsured. So, I’d bet half the people on the road are either uninsured or have barely half the...
There have been 11 CFP playoffs as of this year. Of those, I think Michigan and maybe the first Georgia (all-time defense but still put up a lot of points) one is/are the only one(s) you can say won mostly off the backs of their defense. The vast majority of those teams won from high-powered or at m...
They made a movie about this and the plane tried to blow the world up....
Well, it’s not perjury if you objectively believed in your statement. Saying “I didn’t break the law” isn’t perjury if you broke some obscure law and legitimately had no knowledge that you were breaking that obscure law. I don’t inherently disagree with your result—it’s pretty much always smart lega...
[quote]Once LASC denies this rehearing, I expect the NAACP one to be filed in federal court immediately thereafter.[/quote] I’d expect abstention to be applied here. Very clearly a state law issue....
I don’t know that I’d say enjoy. I wouldn’t show up if they stopped paying me. However, I don’t hate it either. It’s like anything else—moments of satisfaction and moments of mind-numbing frustration sandwiched around your average highs and lows....
I feel like “plus-sized” was the wrong adjective here. “Flotilla of beached whales” more fits the bill....
These protests have been bizarre. I could at least see being upset if we were intervening, but don’t understand protesting something another government is doing. Do they want us to go to war with Israel or something? It just seems like there’s no end goal to this because our government isn’t the one...
You may want to clarify the OP. It doesn’t go into effect for another 120 days. It was a 3-2 yes vote, but non-competes still exist for another 4 months. At least until an injunction comes in....
If a lawyer is on jury duty, it’s because he/she wants to be there. I guess we’ll see why at some point....