Hey, I know this may be taken out of context, but five-star Kentucky basketball recruit Isaiah Briscoe doesn't seem to know what an adjective is. Here he is stopping an interview to ask...


He'll only be there one year anyway.
Filed Under: SEC Basketball
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JordonfortheJ112 months
Well you can't write without knowing the parts of speech, at least coherently.
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Matisyeezy112 months
Most public school kids don't anymore. Parts of speech aren't really emphasized as much in favor of a more wholistic approach to writing and grammar.
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Rebel Land Shark112 months
I should have been an athlete
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Walt OReilly112 months
Bless his heart
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Sellecks Moustache112 months
The light bulb in his head is flickering, but not quite coming on.

Or he was just kidding.
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Signal Soldier112 months
That's what happens when you get good grades handed to you, your entire life.
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