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Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:30 pm to stout
They will use these events to create sympathy. The response should be "do not ever trust a marxist or liberal" when your personal FREEDOM is at stake!
Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:33 pm to stout
here is what I want across the whole border..

Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:33 pm to stout
Is she up for an Oscar nomination?
Hollywood elites will love this!
Hollywood elites will love this!
Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:34 pm to stout
MSNBC crying like bitches that Trump has shut it all down. It’s a beautiful day.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:35 pm to mtb010
I'm not heartless and that immigrant who's crying has a soul just like me. What gets me pissed off is the inhumane way the left uses people like her by circumventing the federal immigration laws to do nothing more than try to bring in more voters. I don't blame the immigrant, I blame the shithead leftitst politicians who use the immigrant for their own nefarious plans.
I agree with you. At the end of the day, these illegal immigrants are pawns.
It’s the politicians and Leftist social engineering wack jobs that have actually created the mess by inviting it and encouraging it.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:37 pm to stout
Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:37 pm to stout
The videos from the border will not have the impact they had 7-8 years ago, that I can guarantee you.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:37 pm to stout
Good. Now let’s see them getting loaded into vans and busses on their way back.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:39 pm to stout
cry more! your gravy train has been derailed!

Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:40 pm to stout
Police have now SHUT DOWN the Port of Entry in El Paso, TX as President Trump reinstates the Remain in Mexico policy
Now set up sniper drones all along the border to enforce that policy.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:43 pm to mtb010
that immigrant who's crying has a soul just like me.
Having a soul does not entitle you to immigrate to any country you choose.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:46 pm to stout
That Tweet is extremely misleading. It was shut down during the inaguration as a security precaution, and nothing to do with MPP. I used to drive that bridge twice a week or more, it's the most popular bridge between CDJ/EPTX because it is in the downtowns.
ETA: I literally just talked to someone who used the PDN to come into the US with a tourist visa an hour or so ago.
There's about to be a lot of border misinformation from both sides.
ETA: I literally just talked to someone who used the PDN to come into the US with a tourist visa an hour or so ago.

There's about to be a lot of border misinformation from both sides.
This post was edited on 1/20/25 at 1:49 pm
Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:51 pm to stout
I feel bad for any innocent people that are used as political pawns.
That said, should’ve swam faster.
That said, should’ve swam faster.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:56 pm to mtb010
What gets me pissed off is the inhumane way the left uses people like her by circumventing the federal immigration laws to do nothing more than try to bring in more voters. I don't blame the immigrant, I blame the shithead leftitst politicians who use the immigrant for their own nefarious plans.
Now replace immigrant with African American and the same premise holds true. When will blacks figure out that they are just useful idiots for the Democrats.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:58 pm to stout
Such a heartwarming video. It brought tears to my eyes. 

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