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Posted on 1/20/25 at 12:35 pm to lsufan1971
No one cares what he thinks.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 12:35 pm to Lsucassa
He can shove his little whiteboard up his arse sideways...
Posted on 1/20/25 at 12:38 pm to Lsucassa
That’s because the stuff he was highlighting was not just anti-Democrat, it was anti-Globalist and anti-NeoCon.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 12:41 pm to Lsucassa
Rove will always be one of the "hands across the aisle", "a measured response", "Must maintain the dignity of..." losers whose very philosophy got us to this point politically. Rove was a great strategist, but he could never accept the fact that his honorable, dignified, behavior was being wasted on the villainous scum with which he was dealing. I appreciate the success he brought, but being honorable only works when you're dealing with honorable people. We are where we are Carl because people like you refused to go into the gutter to fight these sewer rats. This is where the fight has taken us. You can't simply ignore it because you don't like the smell.
Oh who am I kidding? Rove is a sewer rat too.
Oh who am I kidding? Rove is a sewer rat too.
This post was edited on 1/20/25 at 12:46 pm
Posted on 1/20/25 at 12:44 pm to slidingstop
Burn it all down, expose both sides. Trump isn't really a conservative, anyway.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 12:49 pm to Lsucassa
frick that guy. Fox had a real parade of douchebags on this morning
Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:08 pm to KiwiHead
So he finally admits Trump joined the Politicians Club.
Now, If only Trump and Trumpkins can admit it.

TDS... blah blah blah... Pussy hurts... Literally Hitler... OMB...

Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:30 pm to BTROleMisser
Juan Williams is such a little bitch right now on Fox. This coverage is worse than CNN
Posted on 1/20/25 at 1:40 pm to BTROleMisser
Get help. There are meds for this.
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