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Ferguson PD say "Enough! We are not taking this any more" after protest.
Posted on 8/10/24 at 9:33 pm
Posted on 8/10/24 at 9:33 pm
Posted on 8/10/24 at 9:36 pm to BCreed1
"hands up dont shoot"
pants up dont loot!
pants up dont loot!
Posted on 8/10/24 at 9:44 pm to TJack
No, the police chief got red pilled.
This post was edited on 8/10/24 at 9:52 pm
Posted on 8/10/24 at 9:53 pm to BCreed1
Mike Brown needed more programs
Posted on 8/10/24 at 9:53 pm to BCreed1
I pray the cop is ok. You try to do what’s right and people take your kindness as weakness.
Posted on 8/10/24 at 10:02 pm to BCreed1
Dude that’s truly heartbreaking. You can tell that man cares about his job and his city and his people.
Please Lord bring these people into the big Trump tent.
I’ll be driving through STL tomorrow. I want to shake that man’s hand.
Please Lord bring these people into the big Trump tent.
I’ll be driving through STL tomorrow. I want to shake that man’s hand.
Posted on 8/10/24 at 10:09 pm to BCreed1
Posted on 8/10/24 at 11:34 pm to BCreed1
It’s democrats! Democrats only understand being hit with a club or shot, you can’t reason with stupidity.
Posted on 8/10/24 at 11:50 pm to BCreed1
Local news KSDK headlines saying it was just a few people at a “peaceful protest”. Wtf is wrong with reporters? And why the frick is anyone allowing this shite. First person to plop their fat arse in a public road gets arrested. The second, arrested. Keep going until they stop doing it. Police officer had a severe brain injury that could have been prevented if this dumbassery wasn’t coddled.
Posted on 8/10/24 at 11:58 pm to BCreed1
I had no idea that Michael Brown was still a thing... For the love of God the guy reached for the cops gun to kill him... Then the lies about "Hands up don't shoot"... I hope this officer recovers fully...
Posted on 8/11/24 at 12:09 am to BCreed1
That is a chief who genuinely cares for his officers. It’s a huge commitment to be chief. You’re not only the boss - you’re the Shepard for these sheep. And I’m sure there’s a lot of pressure. Especially when you’re a normal human being and everyday, your time/energy is spent dealing with these perennial unemployed, entitled motherfrickers.
Posted on 8/11/24 at 12:12 am to Athis
By the way none of this is really about defunding the police. This is about eliminating all forms of local and state police and replacing them with a national police force that is overseen by the feds. Basically replacing all other forms of law enforcement with a roidrage version of the FBI (just without the khaki cargo shorts and the Oakleys).
This post was edited on 8/14/24 at 10:12 am
Posted on 8/11/24 at 1:11 am to BCreed1
The Chief seems like a great guy. And he's got a tough job in front of him. I pray for him.
But why did it have to cross some unwritten line for him to change approaches?
Maybe I misheard him, but it sounds like he gave credence to the complaints surrounding the Gentle Giant by referencing the turnover and racial/gender makeup of his officers.
But why did it have to cross some unwritten line for him to change approaches?
Maybe I misheard him, but it sounds like he gave credence to the complaints surrounding the Gentle Giant by referencing the turnover and racial/gender makeup of his officers.
Posted on 8/11/24 at 2:33 am to BCreed1
It still amazes me how people still believe the lie that he had his hands up saying don’t shoot instead of the truth that he was attacking a police officer which is why he was shot.
Tell a lie often enough, loudly enough some morons will believe it.
Tell a lie often enough, loudly enough some morons will believe it.
Posted on 8/11/24 at 4:27 am to BCreed1
This is the fault of the media propagating lies and using racist hyperbole for clicks/views.
The victims of this style of reporting/sensationalism are decent, hardworking, normal people just trying to live their lives. Criminals thrive in this environment because they are always given the benefit of a doubt to perpetuate stereotypes of "police brutality."
This is a direct result of, Obama's mandate to fundamentally change the country. Well. It's certainly changed.
It's time to push back against the race hustlers and profiteering media that seeks only to divide the people against one another. Shut them down.
The victims of this style of reporting/sensationalism are decent, hardworking, normal people just trying to live their lives. Criminals thrive in this environment because they are always given the benefit of a doubt to perpetuate stereotypes of "police brutality."
This is a direct result of, Obama's mandate to fundamentally change the country. Well. It's certainly changed.
It's time to push back against the race hustlers and profiteering media that seeks only to divide the people against one another. Shut them down.
Posted on 8/11/24 at 4:49 am to McLemore
Dude that’s truly heartbreaking. You can tell that man cares about his job and his city and his people.
VOR celebrates the cop’s injury.
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