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re: Snow Removal Services being advertised in Baton Rouge
Posted on 1/20/25 at 3:01 pm to Mingo Was His NameO
Posted on 1/20/25 at 3:01 pm to Mingo Was His NameO
I’m pretty sure all you do is troll and show how much of an idiot you are.
It gets up to 39 briefly it shows. But it will be above freezing max 4 hours on Wednesday. I have a grade school math/science experiment for you!
Take out some frozen meet. Put it in the fridge (average fridge is about 40 degrees). Let me know if it thaws in 3-4 hours jackass?
Since I know you can’t comprehend what people are saying… let me help you out. A lb of meat takes 18-36 hours to thaw at 40 degrees (depending on the meat). Now a square foot of snow is 60-80 lbs. So in temperatures that barely reach above freezing and won’t even rise to the temperature of a fridge you somehow think it’s going to thaw everything in 3-4 hours?? And thaw everything where there will be no issues in 3-4 hours?? Btw I have the Golden Gate Bridge to sell you while we are at it.
It gets up to 39 briefly it shows. But it will be above freezing max 4 hours on Wednesday. I have a grade school math/science experiment for you!
Take out some frozen meet. Put it in the fridge (average fridge is about 40 degrees). Let me know if it thaws in 3-4 hours jackass?
Since I know you can’t comprehend what people are saying… let me help you out. A lb of meat takes 18-36 hours to thaw at 40 degrees (depending on the meat). Now a square foot of snow is 60-80 lbs. So in temperatures that barely reach above freezing and won’t even rise to the temperature of a fridge you somehow think it’s going to thaw everything in 3-4 hours?? And thaw everything where there will be no issues in 3-4 hours?? Btw I have the Golden Gate Bridge to sell you while we are at it.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 3:04 pm to Chucktown_Badger
I'm triggered by the horrific formatting of those bullets.
The orange letters overlapping the orange circle is supposed to divert your attention from the uneven bullet alignment.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 3:16 pm to Mingo Was His NameO
It’s going to be 40 degrees on Wednesday
Snow doesn't instantly vaporize the minute the temp gets above freezing.

Where did this fricking clown come from?
Posted on 1/20/25 at 3:26 pm to LSUtiger89
Since I know you can’t comprehend what people are saying… let me help you out. A lb of meat takes 18-36 hours to thaw at 40 degrees (depending on the meat). Now a square foot of snow is 60-80 lbs. So in temperatures that barely reach above freezing and won’t even rise to the temperature of a fridge you somehow think it’s going to thaw everything in 3-4 hours?? And thaw everything where there will be no issues in 3-4 hours?? Btw I have the Golden Gate Bridge to sell you while we are at it.
You thaw meat in the sun? Depending on the amount, snow will melt with below freezing temps if it's sitting in the sun. Especially the wet sloppy shite y'all will probably get.
You are correct though, it will take longer than 3 hours.
This post was edited on 1/20/25 at 3:28 pm
Posted on 1/20/25 at 3:35 pm to RonFNSwanson
Yes I know UV rays will help. But it’s not enough time to melt it really. Because what the uv rays are hitting directly the freezing air is also working to melt.
That’s not even including buildings, trees, constructs, etc that are making shade and won’t even see above freezing temperature because the wind chill and shade lowering the temps and no direct UV.
That’s not even including buildings, trees, constructs, etc that are making shade and won’t even see above freezing temperature because the wind chill and shade lowering the temps and no direct UV.
Posted on 1/20/25 at 4:13 pm to LSUtiger89
show how much of an idiot you are.
Take out some frozen meet.
Posted on 1/21/25 at 6:44 am to Mingo Was His NameO
Autocorrect. Do you think I’m sitting down really giving 100% mind to you?
You can see it was correct in the rest of the message.
You can see it was correct in the rest of the message.
Posted on 1/21/25 at 7:08 am to Auburntiger
Where’s those flamethrowers?
Posted on 1/21/25 at 7:11 am to TigerIron
Don't call the King, call Mr. Plow.
frick Barney. Get the original and get the best.

Posted on 1/21/25 at 7:11 am to Auburntiger
Smart guy.
He has hustle
He has hustle
Posted on 1/21/25 at 7:12 am to Upperdecker
Good for him. He’s not asking for handouts.
Posted on 1/21/25 at 7:39 am to LSUtiger89
Now a square foot of snow is 60-80 lbs.
Imagine calling someone an idiot and say this. First, a square foot can't be used to determine the weight snow, it is a 2 dimensional measurement and weight can be extrapolated for something of a standard thickness (3/4" MDF for example) but otherwise you need another measurement. Making the assumption you meant cubic foot you are still an idiot because water itself only weighs just over 64 pounds a cubic foot. Ice weighs less than your 60 pounds listed for snow, you have a density issue.
Sun and temperature will clear the roads tomorrow not long after noon based on what I see predicted for BR, especially if people actually get out.
Posted on 1/21/25 at 7:43 am to Mingo Was His NameO
The sun will remove your snow by EOD Wednesday
You really are a dumb poster
Posted on 1/21/25 at 9:02 am to Obtuse1
I just went off of the top 5 websites that came up on Google. I’m not going to weight the shite.
Posted on 1/21/25 at 9:10 am to Auburntiger
They should also offer snow delivery for people who want more
Posted on 1/21/25 at 9:12 am to Auburntiger
Mr Plow
ETA: Dammit Obtusian!
ETA: Dammit Obtusian!
This post was edited on 1/21/25 at 9:13 am
Posted on 1/21/25 at 9:18 am to Auburntiger
When we had almost a foot of snow two weeks ago, there were landscaping folks in my area that were charging $350+ to clear driveways and sidewalks. It was nuts.
Found a couple college kids with a backhoe that were charging $50 to do ours. Gave them $200 to clear two driveways (ours and the fiance's parent's).
Found a couple college kids with a backhoe that were charging $50 to do ours. Gave them $200 to clear two driveways (ours and the fiance's parent's).
Posted on 1/21/25 at 9:36 am to Auburntiger
just using my leaf blower 

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