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No, Reagan did not offer an amnesty by lawess executive order

Posted on 11/21/14 at 3:46 pm
Posted by S.E.C. Crazy
Member since Feb 2013
7905 posts
Posted on 11/21/14 at 3:46 pm
By Gabriel Manor

Today is the big day the progressive media is in full spin to mitigate the anger Americans are expressing about president Obamas decision to offer legal status to millions of people who broke the law. That spin has taken many forms, including the novel arguments that the executive branch is empowered to act whenever legislative branch declines and that the executive branch's enforcement discretion includes the affirmative grant of benefits not otherwise authorized by law. Most recently, however, Progressive columnists have settled on an old favorite tactic: justify Democratic misbehavior by claiming ( falsely, as you will see )that a Republican did it first.

Democrats across print, web, and cable media have been repeating the claim that Obama is doing nothing more than what President Reagan and Bush 41 did first. They point to executive actions taken in 1987 and 1989 that deferred the removal of certain aliens. But as usual for Progressive commentators, they elide the crucial facts that distinguish those actions from Obama's. The sign that you're being swindled isn't so much what the con artist tells you, but what he does not tell you. What Progressive commentariat is not telling you is that Reagan and Bush immigration orders looed nothing like Obama's creation of a new, open ended form of immigration relief.

legally, illegal immigration is dealt with in two steps. First the department of homeland security DHS, ( in Reagan's time the INS) has to show that an alien is removable ( deportable in Reagan and Bush 41's lingo ) from the United States. Then the alien gets a chance to show they are eligible for some form of relief from removal or deportation. Ordinarily, those forms of relief are created by the Congress. There is asylum and adjustment and cancellation of removal, and so on and so forth, all set down in statute by Congress over the decades (more than a century in the case of certain waivers) in an overlapping mess of eligibilities and disqualifiers and discretionary decisions.

With some regularity, however, the existing forms of immigration relief have been overtaken by circumstances. When that has happened, Congress steps in. In 1986, faced with a large and growing population of illegal aliens, Congress created a new, time limited form of immigration relief for certain aliens who, among other things, HAD TO HAVE COME TO THE UNITED STATES MORE THAN SIX YEARS PREVIOUSLY. ( key point ). This is the much ballyhooed Reagan amnesty. It was unfortunately, riddled with fraud in its execution, the uncovering of which is still roiling the immigrant community. But setting that aside it left President Reagan with a moral dilemma. Congress' amnesty was large-just shy of 3 million people-and it had the unanticipated effect of splitting up freshly-legalized PARENTS FROM THEIR ILLEGALLY-PRESENT MINOR CHILDREN WHO DID NOT QUALIFY FOR RELIEF. ( Because they hadn't been in the United States since 1982 as the law required, SO REAGAN FIXED IT my point not the writers.)

So Reagan, seeing this family unity problem that Congress had not anticipated or addressed when it granted amnesty to millions of parents, issued an Executive Order to defer the removal of children of the people who had applied for immigration amnesty under Congress' new law. He allowed those children to remain in the United States while their parents applications for amnesty were pending. A few years later, Bush 41 extended this bit of administrative grace to these same children plus certain souses of the aliens who had actually been granted immigration amnesty Congress' new law.

Congress, though it had desired to grant amnesty, had not considered and not included the spouses and children. Importantly, nor had it excluded them. So President Reagan and Bush 41 filled that statutory gap. " What do we do with spouses and children ?' INS asked. "Well", the executive branch leaders said, "defer their deportation. Decline to exercise your lawful authority for the particular cases that are related to those Congress has offered amnesty."

These Reagan and Bush 41 executive actions were obviously different than what Obama is doing now. They were trying to implement a complicated amnesty that Congress had already passed. Congress' action was a form of immigration relief that obviously fit within our constitutional system. Moreover, Congress left a gap when it came to immediate family members, including minor children, of individuals who qualified for amnesty. President Reagan and Bush 41 forbore from deporting people in that select group.

Obama, in contrast to Reagan and Bush 41, is not tying to implement a lawfully created amnesty. There has been no congressional amnesty. In fact, there has been no immigration action from Congress in the past few years except the post-9/11 REAL ID Act of 2005, which made it harder, not easier, for aliens to qualify for immigration relief. More than that, Congress declined to pass a legalization of the type Obama is issuing during both Obama's term and in a hotly-contested bill during Bush's 43's term.

Thus, Obama is clearly contravening both ordinary practice and the wishes of Congress-as expressed in statute-by declaring amnesty himself. This is NOTHING LIKE REAGAN'S AND BUSH 41'S attempts to implement Congress' amnesty. The Progressive media's claims otherwise are BLATANT LIES, relying on their readers' ignorance of events in the late 1980's and early 1990's. Such attempts should be rejected wherever they are found.

If Obama wants to justify his lawless immigration action, he will have to do it some other way than citing (blaming, more like) prior Republican presidents. They, to their credit, were trying to implement Congress' will. Obama on the other hand, has declared that his government will act despite Congress, or, I suspect, to spite Congress. Such pettiness finds no support in the presidencies of Reagan and Bush 41.

Gabriel Malor is an attorney and writer in Washington DC.

It is very evident, this president has acted unlawfully, and his and the liberal medias attempt to liken his actions to Reagan and Bush 41 is a joke, this article lays out the blatant falsehood that both the media and Obama are pushing. This is akin to the Obamacare bait and switch tactics used by this administration, liberals, and the media, one if which was Mr. Gruber.

I transcribed the whole article because this is very important. I defy one liberal to say Obama was acting as Reagan and Bush 41 did. I will now transcribe a section of the 1986 law.

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.

( Key Provision )

Legalized illegal immigrants who entered the United States BEFORE JANUARY 1, 1982 AND HAD RESIDED THERE CONTINUOUSLY ( No current illegal alien can fit into this description, nor does any of Reagan or Bush 41's dilemma exist as pertaining to splitting up families of 1982 ALIENS WHO WERE AMNESTIED )with the penalty of a fine, back taxes due, and admission of guilt; candidates were required to prove that they were not guilty of crimes, that they were IN THE COUNTRY BEFORE JANUARY 1, 1982, and that they possessed minimal knowledge about U.S. history, government, and the ENGLISH LANGUAGE.

So, Reagan and Bush 41 were both reacting to flaws in the Congress' legislation that would have split families up, seeing as the kids that were born after January 1, 1982 couldn't by law become citizens of the United States.

No doubt the reason Congress set an arbitrary date was to keep floods of illegal aliens from pouring into the country to get amnesty, as currently has been happening, but this 1982 language would have split families apart, hence Reagan and Bush 41 acted upon a FLAW.

Posted by Champagne
Already Conquered USA.
Member since Oct 2007
49461 posts
Posted on 11/21/14 at 3:48 pm to
Dems lie, distort, cheat, steal, etc.

By any means necessary.
Posted by Godfather1
What WAS St George, Louisiana
Member since Oct 2006
82379 posts
Posted on 11/21/14 at 3:48 pm to
Shhh. You're spoiling the narrative.
Posted by mmcgrath
Member since Feb 2010
35709 posts
Posted on 11/21/14 at 3:51 pm to

No, Reagan did not offer an amnesty by lawess executive order
Neither did Obama
Posted by Green Chili Tiger
Lurking the Tin Foil Hat Board
Member since Jul 2009
48757 posts
Posted on 11/21/14 at 3:52 pm to
This is like the 30th time some variation of this article has been posted in the last two weeks.
Posted by S.E.C. Crazy
Member since Feb 2013
7905 posts
Posted on 11/21/14 at 3:54 pm to
No doubt, and the media with them.

I just got windows 8.1 and I am mystified by this computer lol.

The story was in the Federalist Papers Blog.

I will try and link, but if someone else does it wouldn't make me mad.

This pretty much explains all the lies the left are making and shows them to be liars, or ignorant supporters.
Posted by S.E.C. Crazy
Member since Feb 2013
7905 posts
Posted on 11/21/14 at 4:18 pm to
I also posted the 1986 law, which shows the liberals agenda is a B.S. lie.

You can't refute the facts.

The president has zero authority because the current law specifically stipulates these words BEFORE JAUNUARY 1, 1982, and Reagan and Bush both were remedying problems involving ALIENS WHO WERE AMESTIED BY THE 1986 law regarding aliens living in the U.S. for at least 6 years.

No current alien can say their father was one of the amnestied aliens of the 1986 congressional act regarding aliens having lived in the US. prior to 1982 / 6 years.

If you or any liberal says otherwise you are FOS.

Why worry about how many times the truth is quoted ? Why not worry about the lies of this administration and the liberal media ?
Posted by Zach
Gizmonic Institute
Member since May 2005
113753 posts
Posted on 11/21/14 at 4:20 pm to

This is like the 30th time some variation of this article has been posted in the last two weeks.

Then refute it once.
Posted by DallasTiger
THE Capital City
Member since Jan 2004
4292 posts
Posted on 11/21/14 at 4:26 pm to

This is like the 30th time some variation of this article has been posted in the last two weeks.

Then refute it once.

And BOOM goes the dynamite.
Posted by S.E.C. Crazy
Member since Feb 2013
7905 posts
Posted on 11/21/14 at 6:52 pm to
The Communistic coward bastards run from the truth.

Little coward byches.
Posted by TheIndulger
Member since Sep 2011
19239 posts
Posted on 11/21/14 at 6:58 pm to

Dems lie, distort, cheat, steal, etc. By any means necessary.

Republican politicians would never dare do such a thing.
Posted by michaeldwde
Member since Nov 2010
3186 posts
Posted on 11/21/14 at 7:05 pm to
People have said that Reagan/Bush41's executive orders were simple interpretations of the law, however, the law that passed congress and signed by Reagan, specifically excluded the groups that Reagan/Bush later included.



Some conservatives, including Gabriel Malor of the Federalist, have said that Congress just made a mistake in 1986 when it passed the Reagan immigration bill. They didn't mean to leave out spouses and children, they just "had not considered and not included" them. So Reagan, and Bush after him, were just dealing with unintended consequences of a bill Congress had recently passed.

But when the Senate Judiciary Committee sent the Reagan bill to the full Senate, it wasn't vague at all. It made it clear that it didn't intend to legalize the families of IRCA beneficiaries. Here's what the Judiciary Committee report said (as quoted, in full, in a court case from 1988, in which an IRCA applicant's spouse was denied relief):

It is the intent of the Committee that the families of legalized aliens will obtain no special petitioning right by virtue of the legalization. They will be required to "wait in line" in the same manner as immediate family members of other new resident aliens.


In July 1989, the Senate passed an Immigration Act which would have given legal status to the children and spouses of IRCA beneficiaries (while doing a bunch of other things as well). But the bill languished in the House for several months.

When President Bush decided to expand the Family Fairness program to its 1.5-million immigrant size in February 1990, he was acting to protect people who would have gotten legal status in a bill that had passed the Senate but not the House.

Court Decision


The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (hereinafter "the Act") substantially reformed the immigration laws of the United States. While the Act's primary purpose is to stop illegal immigration, it also provided a legalization program for aliens who had entered the United States before January 1, 1982. See 8 U.S.C. § 1255a. It is also clear, however, that Congress did not intend to extend this legalization program to aliens who entered the United States after January 1, 1982 — including the families of legalized aliens.

There isn't some huge difference between what Bush41 did and what Obama is doing now.

In fact, the only difference, is how Congress is reacting to it.
Posted by texashorn
Member since May 2008
13122 posts
Posted on 11/21/14 at 7:13 pm to
Reagan and Bush merely exercised their right of prosecutorial discretion, prioritizing within the Executive Branch which illegals to deport. This is well-established procedure.

Creating a federal guest-worker program and issuing federal work documents is quite another affair. That is what Obama is doing.
Posted by michaeldwde
Member since Nov 2010
3186 posts
Posted on 11/21/14 at 8:32 pm to

Reagan and Bush merely exercised their right of prosecutorial discretion, prioritizing within the Executive Branch which illegals to deport. This is well-established procedure.

Creating a federal guest-worker program and issuing federal work documents is quite another affair. That is what Obama is doing.



Some people have misunderstood the ruling and see it as an extension of the 1986 amnesty program or the equivalent of residence status.


The new family policy provides for legal status for spouses and unmarried children under 18 who have lived continuously in the United States since before the passage of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of Nov. 7, 1986. Aliens covered under the new policy are granted voluntary departure status and given the right to work. They become eligible for benefits and eventually for residence, said a spokesman for the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Duane Austin. He warned that if the family members go on welfare they could be deported.

Posted by S.E.C. Crazy
Member since Feb 2013
7905 posts
Posted on 11/21/14 at 8:45 pm to
Another liberal, southern idiot.

Clearly the article explains the situation at hand, Reagan and Bush 41 were filling in the gaps of the current law.

If in 2008 the congress had passed a law that any alien in our country for at least 6 years could have amnesty, and then after 2008 the alien who had been in the country for 12 years, had 2 or 3 kids post 2008, then no one would deny that the congress was shortsighted and never meant to allow a parent to stay but not his children.

For any liberal to say that what Reagan and Bush did was akin to this lawless POS sob is a fool.

You fools voted for this ignorant POS and what he has wrought will come back on you dunces.

Ignorant fools voting for a lightweight sob of a clown.
Posted by TT9
Global warming
Member since Sep 2008
82952 posts
Posted on 11/22/14 at 6:00 am to
tl:dr, extreme right winger:ignore.
Posted by ChineseBandit58
Pearland, TX
Member since Aug 2005
44102 posts
Posted on 11/22/14 at 6:04 am to

(tl=facts, logic, reality):dr, (extreme right winger=someone with sense):ignore.

fixed it for ya
Posted by ChineseBandit58
Pearland, TX
Member since Aug 2005
44102 posts
Posted on 11/22/14 at 6:08 am to

Dems lie, distort, cheat, steal, etc. By any means necessary.

This should be the lead in to a GEICO commercial = "everybody knows that."


Republican politicians would never dare do such a thing.

pretty much true - unless you have a counterexample.
Posted by TT9
Global warming
Member since Sep 2008
82952 posts
Posted on 11/22/14 at 6:18 am to
Iraq war for instance.
Posted by TT9
Global warming
Member since Sep 2008
82952 posts
Posted on 11/22/14 at 6:27 am to
"Read my lips, Mo New taxes"..
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