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re: What's the most pressure filled situation that you have ever been in?

Posted on 7/22/23 at 12:49 pm to
Posted by TigrrrDad
Member since Oct 2016
7308 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 12:49 pm to

Stranded in the ship channel with nothing but the trolling motor working. Big storm came. I made my peace that day

Had a similar situation. Was in my 16’ flat boat about 7 miles from where I launch in the West Pearl, fishing marsh somewhere in Lake Borgne. Started the run back and discovered I was out of oil, so my motor would only idle the whole way. Had 3 or 4 boats pass me at close distance and I had my arms waving and was yelling to them. Every single one ignored me. Loooooong trip home.
Posted by Tantal
Member since Sep 2012
15402 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 12:50 pm to
4th week in field training. I put 11 pounds of pressure on a 12 pound trigger. Damn near killed the dude in the middle of the street with his family watching from the porch. Didn't fold, but didn't much care for being in that situation either.
Posted by Tdot_RiverDawg
Member since May 2015
1718 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 12:51 pm to

18 months on FOB Shank.

I had a buddy from the COE that was at FOB Shank for about a year. Sounded like a lot of fun.
Posted by LSUA 75
Member since Jan 2019
3888 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 1:02 pm to
When I was 17 I went to New Orleans on bus for Navy physical and swearing in.Got off bus and went to restroom.Went I tried to walk out this homo was blocking the door.I asked him to move and he said he wasn’t going to let me out until I showed him what I had.I was naive as hell,I asked him what he was talking about.He says “you know what I’m talking about” and looked down at my crotch.

He was quite a bit bigger than me,I was 5’8” and he was well over 6 ft.I was thinking
what the hell do I do now.I looked around and saw a longneck beer bottle in window.I grabbed it by the neck and broke bottom off in lavatory,I went at the guy and told him he better get his arse out the way I was going to show him something.
I was holding broken beer bottle ready to slash him.
He moved out of way and I went out door backwards watching him,I was ready to frick him up,I think he realized I was serious.
Posted by lsucoonass
shreveport and east texas
Member since Nov 2003
68681 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 1:04 pm to
Undercover human trafficking op

I’m still here
Posted by Tboy13
Member since Oct 2015
141 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 1:09 pm to
Took a submersible down into the ocean once
Posted by MeridianDog
Home on the range
Member since Nov 2010
14484 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 1:17 pm to
I will share a minor 3 or 4 hour high pressure situation.

I was the Quality Officer in a pharmaceutical plant that processed Schedule 2 drugs. Was at my desk one day and the operations manager calls me to tell me the DEA Agents are in our Drug retention locker for an unannounced audit, and they are upset with our inventory withdrawal logbook.

Only two people were supposed to have official access to the drug retain area. The operations manager and me. Anytime we received or issued material to the operations area, I was required to witness (by signature) weighing out the materials, securing the material container, and then accompanying the material until it was in the blending tank.

Anytime the DEA guys showed up, our procedures required me to be present 100 percent of the time from the moment they left our lobby to enter the plant, until they finished up and left. The company had already violated that sop requirement when the receptionist chose to not call me, and instead called the operations group manager.

The guys (think Starsky and Hutch, with badges, handcuffs and guns on the hip) are dead serious when I get there and after checking my ID against their paperwork they tell me the retention locker (room) is 60 kg short on two different Schedule 2 drugs, and that they understand I am responsible for the accuracy of the log books, which document acceptance and issuance of all materials, complete with my signature for witness of all incoming and outgoing Schedule 2 narcotic materials.

They take me to a conference room and (two hours later) after going through the book several times and maybe three pages of notes in their agent record of inspection books (which provide legal documentation for their side of any court action after an inspection) of my demonstration of their errors, they finally shrug and say, "OK, it looks good to us. We are going to lunch and then we'll come back to wrap up this audit."

They went to lunch and I went to my office and closed the door after telling my secretary I was not to be interrupted unless and until the DEA agents came back.

Five minutes later the operations manager comes blasting through my office door, lying that he did not know I had to be notified of a DEA visit before he was. After blabbing for a minute or two and reading a little bit of the report I was writing that documented his violation of the Schedule 2 material control SOP, he admitted he knew the SOP as well as I did and had indeed signed his review of the SOP when it was written. Then he asked if the DEA guys were happy and if everything was going to be ok.
Posted by Purplehaze
spring, tx
Member since Dec 2003
2005 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 2:07 pm to
It is Monday. The year is 1991. You are the controller for a small printing company with 50 employees. Two people can sign checks, you and the owner. Payroll is due on Friday. You need $48k to cover all payroll and taxes. You have $55k in bank and no outstanding checks so things look ok.

Tuesday, you check the bank balance and you only have $5k in the bank. Go to owner and ask what the hell happened. Turns out he decided to buy a new truck and boat for himself so he took the $50k without telling me. His response was it is his company and he can do what he damn well pleases and that I had best get busy collecting some receivables. Somehow I pull it off and get it covered. The next Monday, he decides he needs some more cash so he takes what I had left driving our cash balance down to less than $1k.

I quit without any notice and luckily got a job the next week. The company I left struggled, owner decided to stop paying payroll taxes, bankruptcy within the next 60 days. IRS called him in, explained what they could do to him. He ended up being on the hook with IRS for the next 5 years until he paid it off. Repeated same process with new compny he started. Some people never learn.
Posted by Halls Hair
Huckleberry Farm
Member since Jul 2022
144 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 2:27 pm to
7 seconds away from impact in a total main parachute malfunction while skydiving.

Spoiler alert, I made it.
Posted by tigerbaiter
Member since Dec 2006
423 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 2:28 pm to
Me and 5 others flipped a car back over that was upside down in about 4 feet of water after driving off a bridge crossing the Guadalupe River near New Braunfels. We were camped out at Roy’s canoe rentals when we heard the car hit the guardrail and then the river at about 3 in the morning. Small compact car with two guys inside. Couldn’t get either door open and both were under the water. We rocked it a couple of times then pushed . The passenger popped out of his window like a cork. He made it. We pulled the driver out and did cpr on the bank of the river. Unfortunately he did not. Amazing amount of coordination from a bunch of still half drunk coonasses woken up from a deep sleep in the middle of the night. After every thing calmed down we crawled back into out mosquito bars slept for another hour before hitting the river . Amazing things is WE almost had one of our crew drown later that day when his canoe flipped after getting sideways on a boulder in the rapids and he got trapped underneath . Managed to wiggle out after being stuck under for a really uncomfortable amount of time.
Posted by DevilDagNS
Member since Dec 2017
2769 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 2:39 pm to
I have a few but the most nerve- racking I think was trying to get another marine to the LZ in a stolen vehicle with no body armor and no weapon outside of the wire after a he was hit by a mortar.

He made it. We got mortared a lot but had there been an accompanying ambush or run on the position we were defenseless. Could not get a helo on the interior of the FOB. One of my reoccurring nightmares is that we don’t make it to the LZ. Either I get lost, or the truck breaks down, or the helo never comes.
Posted by choupiquesushi
yaton rouge
Member since Jun 2006
31273 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 2:39 pm to
I answered the bell.

Christmas Day 1988, Playing Navy, took a guy on "in port fire party's duty that day so he could be home with his kids Christmas Morning and he gave me $100 bucks and took my New Year's eve duty.... so..... his job was the lead in and on a ship this also means the hatch opener.

Mid day alarms go off.. THIS IS NOT A DRILL, THIS IS NOT A DRILL... FIRE FIRE FIRE compartment blah blah blah level bla... THIS IS NOT A DRILL proceed down on the port side up on the starboard side.... head to the fire locker to get jocked up... I was the only sub... Chief came up and asked me, this is real are you sure you got this? I said yep(and then went over the protocol for opening hatch. and I am first in. Get there I was nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.... Opened hatch no flames right there but rushing air pulled me in laid me flat on the ground about 15 feet in. CHief pulled me out, which was the protocol if air did that too me because my OBA could have been compromised - which it was slightly. Without question the most terrified I have ever been in a situation I had control over. Chief told me after when he asked me if I had it, that he fully expected me to say NO I'm not comfortable... I said CHIEF I WAS NOT COMFORTABLE! he shook my hand and said well done!.... Mad respect for firemen since then. frick fire on a ship!
Posted by exiledhogfan
Member since Jul 2021
1275 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 2:43 pm to

Had to decide whether or not to pull the trigger and kill a child in Iraq.

For me, it was six Iraqi nationals, spread nearly 180 degrees in front of me, who I thought were retrieving cached weapons. And it was just me.

Turns out they were looking for tools. No one got hurt, though there were some very hurt feelings on their part.
Posted by jnethe1
Member since Dec 2012
16143 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 3:14 pm to
I have had some stuff offshore that when I think about it now freaks me out. Not sure how I got through some of those situations.
Posted by chinese58
NELA. after 30 years in Dallas.
Member since Jun 2004
31024 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 3:25 pm to
Driving from Dallas to Texarkana with a large quantity of cocaine. A headlight on my car burned out on I-30 and a Texas Trooper stopped me. He said it wasn't a big deal, he'd just write me a warning ticket and asked to see my license. I didn't realize I'd left my license in my briefcase at home until then. When I told him he said, "That is a big deal."

Going to prison for intent to distribute and learning to braid some dude named Bubba's hair flashed thru my mind.

He told me to get out and sat me in his car. Sitting in his car near Hooks, TX, while he checked my name out, I asked if that wasn't Earl Campbell's hometown. He said no, Billy Sims is who you're thinking of. We talked about Billy coming back to visit and Barry Switzer coming too. By the time we'd finished reminiscing about Billy Sims and Barry, the officer told me how to make a copy of my license and mail it to the address on the ticket, to get out of paying the ticket.

College Football saved me from having him search my car and from me having to keep Bubba's cell clean.
Posted by habz007
New Orleans
Member since Nov 2007
3894 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 3:39 pm to

I asked if that wasn't Earl Campbell's hometown. He said no, Billy Sims is who you're thinking of. We talked about Billy coming back to visit and Barry Switzer coming too. By the time we'd finished reminiscing about Billy Sims and Barry, the officer told me how to make a copy of my license and mail it to the address on the ticket, to get out of paying the ticket. College Football saved me from having him search my car and from me

Wow. I can feel your anguish at the time. What a relief to drive away…
Posted by Bronco11
Member since Jul 2022
152 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 5:14 pm to
I a laugh at it now because of the absurdity of it all, but I about shite myself and my adrenaline was higher than any other point in my life.

I was in Louisiana for my first LSU game. I had been at a friend's house in Monroe. Instead of staying the night and heading back to Dallas in the Morning, I decided to get a head start and I booked a hotel in Longview Texas to stay and get a little sleep.

The Hotel was the express in off exit 595 off interstate 20.

To put it into context, here is a review that is posted on the review page from Google maps:

My husband had $200 stolen from him at gunpoint. The front desk said “I don’t care, call the police”. Called the police and were told that we described a wanted felon. I had my husband bring clothes up there to a girl who is NOT doing well in life (let’s just say it that way), and then he is robbed. The motel was basically in on it. Refused to answer the phone afterward and refused to cooperate with police. Terrifying experience. Avoid at ALL COSTS.

Now, I'm not a small easy target of a person. I'm 6 foot 220 LB former athlete. I've never really been in a physical situation where I'd be outmatched, until this.

It was around 10pm when I rolled into the hotel to check in. I go to the front door and it's locked. Over a speaker, I hear a voice asking, why was I here and what I wanted. First red flag raised. I eventually get my room key and a very sketchy attendant tells me to pull around back and go up the stairs in the middle of the back building. My room is on the 2nd floor.

I pull around back in my rental car and notice a lot of activity for a hotel parking lot at that time of night. Red flag raised again. I grab my only bag, hit the stairs and hook a right as my room was the 2nd door to the right of the stairs.

As I hit the top of the stairs the door to the first room on the right is wide open and the window blinds are open. I take a peak inside as I get ready to enter my room. I had made eye contact..

Then reality sets in. My soon to be neighbors are 3 men of varrying ages but they were all massive humans. All 3 were standing in the room. All of them were over 6'4 and hefty built. The biggest was well over 6'6 and 300+ lbs. Imagine 3 characters right out of the Texas chainsaw massacre.

Now, I scramble to enter my room and low and behold, I share an interior co-room door with them.

Something is very off with everything. I put my bag on the chair near the bathroom, as the bed is a no go full of who knows what.

With very thin walls and a shared door, if I get close I can hear everything they are talking about. So I get real close to the door. I can hear them rummaging about their room, clearly they are drugged up and discussing nefarious activities.

About a minute later, I hear, which I can only assume was the biggest fella of the 3. He clearly states, "He's by himself". I process this momentarily.

The next sound I heard I can still hear it clear as day, even now that I write this.

The sound is the slide of a pistol being loaded. At this point I'm probably 30 to 45 seconds from having the interior door opened and I'm going to get robbed/shot or worse.

I grab my bag as fast as I can, hit the door running and take off for the stairs at the very end of the walkway in a full sprint. No looking back, no slowing down. I fly down the stairs, get to my car and book it out of the parking lot as fast as possible. Not stopping I get back on the interstate and head to Dallas.

I've calmed down substantially and am starving for some food but it's late at night in east Dallas so I head to the IHOP. As I enter the door, I'm expecting it to be slow and docile, but the place is jam packed. I also happen to be the only white person there. I get seated and realize that it's almost 5 to 1 young women at every table with a couple of guys spread thin. I order my omelette and have a little small talk with my fellow IHOP customers and recount what had just happened to me a few hours ago. They were all strippers getting off their shifts at the club and it's a common thing they do to get food after they are done with work, as a group

They explain, the smaller towns along the interstate, are absolute hotbeds of drugs and violent crime throughout Texas because of easy access and under staffed law enforcement, and I had just witnessed, first hand how bad it really is. We all laugh at the total clown show of my situation as I find a new hotel to pass out, near the Dallas airport.

The end.
Posted by Easye921
Member since Jan 2013
2422 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 6:05 pm to
Mine would be when my dad went into cardiac arrest on the way to Mobile Infirmary. I was about a mile out from the hospital on Spring Hill in Mobile. Panic is an absolute understatement. I drove through three red lights in 4:00 traffic to get him there. Somehow I was able to get there and not get anybody killed. He also made a miraculous recovery after being in a coma two weeks and is sitting right next to me as I type this.
Posted by bayou2
New Orleans, LA
Member since Feb 2007
3096 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 6:13 pm to

... held up at gun point, 4 guys wanting my stuff.

I did not blink

I fought

All 4 guys are in prison for 10 straight years -- no good behavior crap.

Posted by hambones
Member since Nov 2014
998 posts
Posted on 7/22/23 at 6:25 pm to
Having to hold the flashlight for my dad.
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