Colorado Avalanche Fan Catches Puck, Elbows Girlfriend, Then Gives Puck To Another Girl
© Isaiah J. Downing-USA TODAY Sports
Get this Colorado Avalanche some puppy chow, because he is gonna be in the dog house for some time...
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How does this happen?

(The Big Lead)
Filed Under: NHL
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Buckeye Jeaux72 months
The girlfriend isn't mad. She's she's deciding which dude at the office she might hook-up with next week.
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AtlantaLSUfan72 months
Dang. I wanted to believe the headline and the announcers, but it looks like he was trying to protect her and maybe show off a bit.
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SomeLSUguy72 months
Looks like her nose had already started to swell
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Datbayoubengal72 months
Lol, the commentary was hilarious
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BowlJackson72 months
He probably gave it to her out of fear, that lady is scary
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Cadello72 months
Legalize weed everywhere!
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Amazing Moves72 months
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Placekicker72 months
Maybe he should have given the blonde his number. Looks like he’s about to be single again.
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Doug Masters72 months
She gone
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pellietigersaint72 months
I mean, look at that guy. that really why she's sad
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Philippines4LSU72 months
That and the fact that she has to sit through a hockey match.
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