San Francisco 49ers rookie Drake Jackson got stuck with the bill, and what a bill it was...
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soccerfüt21 months
We are the ones paying. Every. Stupidly. Presented. Article. Just stop Larry.
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Lsu10120521 months
It was just a prank. If you pause the video you can see even the fake amount was 122k with a $200,000 tip. They followed up stating the real amount paid was barely 1,000 per player contributing.
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uptowntiger8421 months
It's a joke. Look at the actual bill of $7600
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kjntgr21 months
Same thing happened to Christopher moltasanti. Then he shot the waiter
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Koach K21 months
Can the NFL please for the love of all that is holy hire some decent writers from the WWE instead of posting this tripe?
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BlackPot21 months
"Man those rookies don't know how to manage their money". Exactly what those older guys would say.
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BlackPot21 months
Wait, the bill was 7k with tip. Looks like they rented out a banquet hall costing all that. Come on Larry.
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Solo Cam21 months
That's bullshite man. Dude is getting a little over 1 mil this year. After taxes around 600k. Not to mention agent fees. I wouldn't pay that. Thats fricked up.
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BGLAVI221 months
Yeah here pay half the league minimum. My arse.
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The Torch21 months
I doubt Drake can count to 300 thousand
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LSUPilot0721 months
Yeah I’d tell them all to eat a dick if they thought I was paying that.
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Rex Feral21 months
I wonder what the NFL exec who called the players 'slaves' thinks about this?
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10MTNTiger21 months
What a stupid arse bill. It’s $6500 with a bunch of silly deposits/refunds to make it look gigantic.

Pissing away $6500 is fine, but don’t expect me to buy into your “equality” and “end racism” bullshite now.
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Datbayoubengal21 months
What the frick are you bringing politics into this for? And what the hell does ending racism and equality have to do with paying a damn restaurant bill?
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bobbydigital21 months
It looks like the bill was actually 6 grand.
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3down1021 months
Correct, the rest was just a joke. The rookie paid $4500, 2 vets paid $1000 each for a total of $6500.
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