As far as super fans go, this Seattle Seahawks fan is in the running. He not only has one Seahawks-themed car, he has three, including a Ferrari...
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I bet his wife loves when he drops her off work.
Filed Under: NFL
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CCTider115 months
Drama nailed it. I'd I could afford a Ferrari, I'd probably own some absurd things
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MSH115 months
Not shocking that all three models are 2013 or newer...
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johnnydrama115 months
The day I can afford to do that myself will be the day I start criticizing someone else for doing it.
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VagueMessage115 months
"I bet his wife loves when he drops her off work."

Like she fricking works anywhere.
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runningTiger115 months
what a loser

all that for grown men playing a game
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OleRockyTop115 months
I guess when the Seahawks get new uniforms has to completely repaint the cars
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TDawg1313115 months
I've seen that Hummer driving around through Bellevue. Haven't seen the Ferrari yet though.
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jaTigerfan115 months
Like he gives a frick
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Hester Carries115 months
Ill admit, that F150 looks pretty sick.
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BobBarker115 months
Waste of a Ferrari.
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MondayMorningMarch115 months
If y'all think Bamtards are whacked you should see some of the displays for the Seaturds. Many of the 12's up here can afford lavish yard displays, cars and some have gone so far as to paint their houses with those garish colors. I'm ready for the bandwagon to lose its wheels.
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geauxjoetiger115 months
Wonder how much the insurance is on those 3 automobiles??
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ForeverLSU02115 months
About what I expected out of a Seahawks fan......
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