WWE Superstar Seth Rollins was in Cleveland on Monday night for “RAW”. As part of his dramatics in the ring he taunted Cleveland sports fans calling out LeBron James and Browns QB Johnny Manziel who was sitting ringside, referring to him as “Johnny Idiot Face.”
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Chin up, Johnny. Wrestling's fake.
Filed Under: NFL
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Clyde Tipton116 months
In his defense, he's right. They aren't bringing any titles to Cleveland.
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Dignan116 months
I don't know who Seth Rollins is, but I'm assuming he's in first grade.
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Kracka116 months
He is such a great heel.
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Rebel Land Shark116 months
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hogNsinceReagan116 months
Can you guys believe people still say wrestling is fake. I don't get it... Just a thought...
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ForeverGator116 months
Totally newsworthy.
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PolyPusher86116 months
"Johnny idiot face"

You've got to be shitting could he hold a straight face?
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