Here's former Alabama QB AJ McCarron all growns up wearing his new Cincinnati Bengals uniform in this sideways picture...

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Filed Under: NFL
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Luke127 months
5... for fifth round selection... hope he doesn't get a paper cut holding that clipboard
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BIGJLAW127 months
Lots of whining going on in here from some haters.
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TIGERFANZZ128 months
All dressed up to sit on the bench.
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Telephone Tough Guy128 months
No one can provide any valid proof of which fan base started their respective chant first.
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RunLindsayRun128 months
They've been going with the whole "who dey" theme for about two years now.
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horndog128 months
The Bengals were the who dey back in the 80s. It didnt last long and I'm surprised he brought it up.
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StadiumDormRat'72128 months
As if being a crybaby tool from Bama wasn't enough reason to dislike him; now he's gonna blatantly rip off the WHO DAT thing?
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bencoleman128 months
great pic
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Ignignot128 months
Who the f is whodeynation
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BamaHater128 months
Why Larry, Why?
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