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Super model/actress Emily Ratajkowski has some strong feelings about the NFL she shared with the Twitter world this week...
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Filed Under: NFL
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foj198125 months
I agree frick the NFL but not because of the injury.
As far as she is concerned her 15 minutes are up and now she’s attention whoring
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eddieray25 months
What did the NFL do to her? What’s her plan to make it better? Why is she even worried about what the NFL is doing? I don’t understand what she has to do with anything whatsoever
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LSUbest25 months
So! Why does this warrant a post on TD? Find a better tweet.
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SuperOcean25 months
My NY's resolutions are to lose some weight and read some books.... Her's seem like a stretch for '23
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winkchance25 months
Hasn't she actually F@cked the NFL? Or am I thinking of another model.
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TigerLunatik25 months
How the hell is chick a supermodel?
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MMauler25 months
Given this skank, it's hard to tell if that's her position or a proposition to all of the league's players.
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NytroBud25 months
She probably has, well at least half of them
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LSUtoBOOT25 months
Going deep one player at a time.
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tiggerthetooth25 months
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Goose25 months
She is an idiot and a slut, but she isn't wrong.
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AtlantaLSUfan25 months
Yeah, but it’s still absurd without context. It’s not an opinion it’s just tacky.
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GeauxGriff25 months
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cajunmud25 months
I think everyone in every modelling agency recruitment dept should be run off for the majority of girls they've brought us over the last 20 years.
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bengalman25 months
Definitely a TD worthy tweet....
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KAGTASTIC25 months
C'mon Larry...couldn't at least find a nsfw pic or 2 to throw in?? Your father would be disappointed
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AtlantaLSUfan25 months
The less I see of her the better.
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Shaq4prez25 months
intelligent thought from a well qualified expert. we should all acknowledge
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SoFla Tideroller25 months
I'm going to guess she made this statement with the same vapid look on her face she has on her face in every single photo taken of her. I swear, her eyes are spreading farther and farther apart. Jackie Kennedy was practically a cyclops compared to this chick.
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Long Dawg25 months
She’s gonna be sore
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Le Tenia25 months
I agree. frick them.
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pitchandcatch2725 months
Fu** Machine = Fu** Comments
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OweO25 months
Seriously, does she think she is that important that her saying "frick the NFL" would have some type of influence on.. anything? She is/was a model right? An industry who hires a bunch of anorexic bitches to stroll up and down a stage wearing a bunch of ugly expensive clothes so a bunch of women and noodle wrist can see what their design looks like on someone? I guess its too much masculinity for her word.
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ColdTurkey25 months
Chris shut the frick up
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TheRouxGuru25 months
Seriously, who the frick writes whole paragraphs on THIS shite??
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