Former LSU Tiger and Packers backup QB Matt Flynn had himself a great time at Pearl Jam's Milwaukee show Monday night. Per

During the show, Eddie Vedder put on a Flynn jersey, which led to a very excited Flynn being carried on the shoulders of dads for a bit. "He loved it," Collin said. "He was taking selfies, videos, and jumping up and down shouting 'yeah' at the top of his lungs in typical bro fashion."
That's awesome...

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Filed Under: NFL
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Jwho77119 months
Did he keep a grip on his clipboard the whole time?
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Box Geauxrilla119 months
Matt Flynn is my hero. Not joking.
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DosManos119 months
Looks like Eddie Vedder is another celeb bordering on being five feet tall.
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FAF119 months
I played golf with Matt a few times at LSU. Dude can crush a golf ball.
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ForeverLSU02119 months
Flynn is an awesome guy. The two of us had a moment while watching a fight in the Fred's parking lot back in the day. Good times.
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Spaulding Smails119 months
They need to have Flynn guest pick at College Gameday
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