Manziel Partying W/ 15 Babes In Cabo Week After Domestic Incident
Charles LeClaire-USA TODAY Sports
I can't believe these stories keep popping up. The Daily Mail is reporting that a week after his alleged domestic assault incident with ex-girlfriend Colleen Crowley, Johnny Manziel went to Cabo with his buddies where they surrounded themselves with the companionship of up to 15 women...

The source said: ‘The guys had so many condoms that they were blowing them up into balloons and throwing them around the villa for fun.

‘They would pick girls up from the beach and invite them back to the villa. They had one party and there was 15 girls there.’

The source said the owner of the property wasn’t impressed by the conduct of the guests.

‘There were a lot of people coming and going and they left the place in a mess, there was beer bottles and food wrappers everywhere,’ the source said.
Here's what Cleveland Browns head coach Hue Jackson had to say about the young man at Wednesday's NFL Combine...
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And apparently, according to BustedCoverage, this Canadian gal Kara Vaninetti was one of said women in Cabo...
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Filed Under: NFL
user avatar
PhilipMarlowe103 months
What do you want him to do Larry? Stay at home and think about the consequences of his actions? THIS IS JOHNNY frickING FOOTBALL BABY! Jk, he a douche.
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Big Sway103 months
Does it really matter!
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FishFearMe103 months
It is the offseason. Guys are vacationing. Screw Larry and Hue.
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Johnny3tears103 months
I read 15 babies.
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Foolish cock103 months
Maybe @ bayou, but thats not my point
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PortCityTiger82103 months
WNHI!! Scrawny legs looking like a potato on toothpicks! Probably no arse on top of that
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BayouBengal6884103 months
YWHI, don't lie
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Foolish cock103 months
Yuk, that bitch looks like weird lounge singer alien w the skinny legs in star wars
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BayouBengal6884103 months
Larry gargles Johhny's jizz and he loves it
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BobABooey103 months
15 babes in Cabo? You can't beat that!
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Shoulderchoke103 months
I've been there, it's a nice resort
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CAD703X103 months
still waiting for the pic with the 15 girls
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Tingle103 months
Leave Manziel alone
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airportwhiskey103 months
"I can't believe these stories keep popping up."

I suspect you Google "Johnny Manziel" first thing when you wake up in the morning.
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Thracken13103 months
so you make a post about how the kid needs to go, then continue to post stories about him. if you are so over him larry, and wish he would go - stop posting stories about him.
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