Fox Sports sideline reporter Erin Andrews shared a behind-the-scenes look at her outfit for one of her pregame interviews earlier this weekend...

Ohhhhkay @alyssafgreene @jilliangregory & @jsantos1111. Week 1 @lapointe @giaborghini @lodgekohler @nflonfox

Filed Under: NFL
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LSUvet7229 months
Doesnt look human.
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BrotherDawg8429 months
Guess she can afford it.
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jimmy the leg29 months

This has more than one meaning.
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Mr Boyles29 months
Matches the color of the stripping pole
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Jabontik29 months
It looks better through a keyhole
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Clark1429 months
The outfit looks shiny and new.
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kkv7529 months
Sad. Nobody cares.
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JackieTreehorn29 months
Lots of desperate Baws out there.
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LSUtoBOOT29 months
Back in the day she’d be brushing up in her hotel room before the game.
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SECdragonmaster29 months
This is why women are not taken seriously in sports. Can you imagine a guy doing this? (Besides Cam and Antonio Brown)
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MOS031129 months
Bitch would be a 4.5/10 if she wasnt a famous sideline reporter.
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Corso29 months
I bet she's naked under there
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Robber DeNiro29 months
Basic and overrated af
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Skinny29 months
Gorgeous. Love her body in the 40s.
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Redbone29 months
Is she on stilts?
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tigerpawl29 months
Got to hand it to her. She is what she is. Unpretentious. Genuine.
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KAGTASTIC29 months
Fox sports must have signed an nil deal with this board. This broad nor the channel merit all the attention it's been getting.
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TommyDaTiger29 months
2 words for ya coach…..Larry Leo!!!!!! You’re killing your father Larry!
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mpwilging29 months
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BowDownToLSU29 months
You might like her brother better
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