On Monday, former NFL star Adrian Peterson's showed off what his right hand can do during a recent sparring session as he prepares to fight fellow former NFL star Le'Veon Bell...
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Filed Under: NFL
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TrouserTrout30 months
Are these two retards really hurting for money this bad?
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TX Tiger30 months
And unless you have money on it, who's going to PPV to watch it?
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thermal922130 months
Broke athletes after being in their prime. 1st team all pro players.
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beaverfever30 months
Having never seen AP throw a punch I can definitively say I’d want no part of him in a fight. Dude is cut from a different cloth.
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21JumpStreet30 months
Winner is going to fight Jake paul
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Schmelly30 months
“The Dispute ‘cause we Destitute” doesn’t have the same ring as “The Thrilla in Manila”
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rantfan30 months
I hope bell whips his arse f..ING child abuser
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YStar30 months
He is leaning forward and unbalanced. All Le'Veon has to do his roll right with a hook and he is sleeping.
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cwil17730 months
This is definitely better than him beating his kids, so there's that.
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ncinthenext330 months
I'd say AP is gonna knock Lev's brains out, but Bell doesn't have any to begin with.
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6R1230 months
Now you know why they don't want him to spank his kids.
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lockthevaught30 months
Adrian Beathison
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G Khan30 months
AP is a beast of an athlete. Good power in this clip, but shoulders were too far in front of his hips/knees (leaning too forward). Wide open for a left hook if he is in there with someone w/ technical skills.
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CaptainJ4730 months
All those times Peterson hit his kid took a hurting on his hand.
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TheRouxGuru30 months
You wanna know how I can tell you just read the title without watching the clip? Spoiler: it’s because you have no frickin clue what you’re talking about
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Doug_H30 months
Had no idea this was happening. Would put money on Peterson, I know it doesn't mean everything in a fight but that dude is just built different
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StupidBinder30 months
I think Bell has been training for a few years…hope his skill level is good because he’s fighting a tank of a man
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