You don't have to wait until the NBA pre-season or even the draft see Anthony Davis in a Hornets uniform. Here's him all suited up on the cover of Slam Magazine...

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dustytiger123152 months
I don't always surf the internet, but when I do...eyebrows
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TheCaterpillar152 months

but you need a veteran to force you to shave that unibrow off like Ray Lewis did to Flacco
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SeminoleMarine152 months
Can't shave the brow. That would be like Sampson cutting his hair. His strength is in that brow.
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LockdownDefense152 months
He needs braces for those teeth more than he needs two eyebrows.
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eXfaktor152 months
Still needs to gain weight.

Get this boy to Louisiana again and START FEEDING HIM NOW.
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DownSouthCrawfish152 months
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