The trolling of Florida State QB Jameis Winston continues. Jack’s Foodland Supermarket in Eva, Ala., is selling these “Jameis Winston King Crab Legs” for $17.99/pound...

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GMobileX124 months
The fact that we're talking about a young black man who sometimes wears hoodies doing something wrong and then someone making fun of him? OF COURSE that's racist. And don't talk about not wanting this type of customer in your meat department or in front of your soda dispenser. The damn grocers association will force you to sell the store and ban you from ever buying food again. Don't have an opinion and state it poorly. Sucking EFPN - this old man don't want girl bringing Magic around because he don't want Magic soiling up his trimmins or any other black males - hoodie wearers or not. It's America you fumb ducks. If you choose to not like a purple dude and his pink an green friends, that's ok. What is rucking fidiculous is that you can'thave these types of opinions because of the PC Police...
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Tiger Vision124 months
As if anyone from Alabama has room to talk. At least it wasn't a Dodge Charger.
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PrimeTime Money124 months
Nevermind. I down voted myself.
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PrimeTime Money124 months
They are $19.79 per pound... not $17.99 per pound. The writer is dyslexic.
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adono124 months
I've been telling the director of the nursing home the same thing!!

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BowDownToLSU124 months
Pretty sure he was joking really need to get out more

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adono124 months

Some people come up with the most asinine comments!
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sgallo3124 months
shouldn't they be free?
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jellyfish124 months
would you ask this if Mett stole them?? So no its not racist.
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NorthshoreTiger76124 months
Is this racist?
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WPBTiger124 months
That made me laugh.
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