Ohio State's Jeff Okudah Bodybags Reporter After His 'Sloppy Play' Leading To Penalties Question
© Trevor Ruszkowski-USA TODAY Sports
Ohio State DB Jeff Okudah slapped this reporter at this week's NFL Combine with straight facts when he was asked about his sloppy play leading to penalties...
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy60 months
Sports journalism is a worthless and pathetic job that’s at an all-time low. It seems these kids have canned questions to get answered for their boss and have no idea who they are talking to much less the sport they are talking about. EXAMPLE: “Joe, how does it feel to win a national championship?” Now what in the frick are they expecting him to say other than something along the lines of “awesome, we worked hard”. EXAMPLE: “Clyde, how does it feel to score 4 touchdowns against Alabama?” Sometimes I wish athletes would bury stupid reporters like Jeff Okudah eloquently did to that little nasally dweeb.
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lsutigersFTW60 months
The people asking these questions are getting a little too big for their $21,000 a tear salary britches
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lsutigersFTW60 months
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